Google local service business

5 Steps to Get Local Services Ads Up For HVAC Businesses

By implementing LSAs (Google Local Services Ads) as part of your overall marketing strategy, you can increase your online visibility, generate qualified leads, and ultimately drive business growth in the competitive local services landscape.

Traffic, leads and sales is the lifeblood of any organization. For your local service business this can be a challenge, especially if you are looking to scale up fast.

(TIP: If you run an HVAC or plumbing business, read How To 5X HVAC Revenue Growth now.)

Remember: Success with LSAs requires ongoing optimization and a focus on providing a positive customer experience.

Here are the 5 things you must do to get started.

  1. Eligibility Check: Ensure your business meets Google’s requirements for Local Services Ads (LSA). You’ll need proper licensing, insurance, and positive online reviews.
  2. Create a Google My Business Listing: Claim and optimize your GMB profile with accurate information, high-quality photos, and positive reviews. This serves as your foundation for LSA. Start by visiting:
  3. Sign Up for Local Services Ads: Head to the Google Ads platform and choose the “Local Services” campaign type. Fill out the application with your business details and service areas. Start by visiting
  4. Complete Background Checks: Google conducts background checks on businesses in specific categories. Cooperate fully with the process to expedite approval.
  5. Set Your Budget & Bids: Choose a monthly budget or maximum cost per lead (CPL) based on your goals. Allocate budgets strategically across service categories and locations.

Why LSAs are Crucial for Local Services Businesses:

  1. Prominent Placement: Appear at the top of search results with Google’s “Guaranteed” badge, boosting trust and click-through rates.
  2. Pre-Qualified Leads: Only pay for verified leads who contact you through the ad, eliminating wasted ad spend.
  3. Transparency & Trust: Google conducts background checks and displays key information like licensing and reviews, increasing user confidence.
  4. Mobile-Friendly Experience: Ads are optimized for mobile devices, capturing customers who research and book services on their phones.
  5. Detailed Performance Insights: Track key metrics like leads, conversion rates, and costs to optimize your campaigns and budget allocation.
  6. Competitive Advantage: Stand out from competitors who aren’t using LSAs and capture attention with prominent ad placement.
  7. Targeted Reach: Narrow your audience to specific service areas and demographics, ensuring your ads reach the right potential customers.
  8. Measurable Results: Track conversions and ROI directly, giving you clear insights into the effectiveness of your ad spend.


Consider working with a Google Ads professional for help with setup and optimization.

Experiment with different ad formats and call-to-actions to see what resonates best with your target audience.

Monitor your budget and adjust bids regularly to maximize lead generation while staying within your budget.

Respond promptly to leads generated through your LSAs to convert them into paying customers.

If you need help setting up your Google Local Services Ads, get a FREE quote here

B2B Marketing

7 Effective B2B Retargeting Steps For Google Ads

Retargeting with Google Ads can be the breakthrough your ads and traffic has been waiting for.

Ready to turn website visitors into loyal customers and maximize your ROI with B2B retargeting?

Buckle up … because we’re about to dive into the 7 must-do’s for an effective retargeting strategy:

1. Segment Your Audience Strategically:

Top Funnel: Visitors who engaged with awareness-stage content (blog posts, infographics, etc.) need nurturing reminders, not sales pitches.

Target them with educational content or case studies to build trust and brand awareness.

Middle Funnel: Users who downloaded white papers, requested demos, or interacted with product pages are further down the funnel.

Retarget them with targeted product demos, success stories, or personalized pricing quotes.

Bottom Funnel: Visitors who abandoned carts or reached checkout are primed for conversion.

Hit them with limited-time discounts, free consultations, or urgency-driven CTAs like “Claim Your Last Spot!” or “Ticket are going fast, register now!”

2. Don’t Be Creepy, Be Creepy Good:

Frequency Capping: Avoid bombarding users with endless ads. Set frequency caps to manage impressions and prevent ad fatigue.

Dynamic Creative Optimization: Show relevant ad variations based on individual user behavior and interests.

Dynamic product ads or personalized testimonials work wonders.

Recency Triggering: Prioritize retargeting users who interacted with your site recently.

The closer they are to conversion, the higher the impact.

3. Go Beyond Website Retargeting:

Customer Match Lists: Upload email addresses of existing customers or leads to target them across Google’s Display Network and YouTube. YouTube ads have terrific targeting options as well.

Remarketing across platforms keeps your brand top-of-mind.

Similar Audiences (retired August ’23): Expand your reach by targeting users similar to your existing high-value customers or website visitors. Tap into hidden potential with Google’s powerful algorithms.

NOTE: Look for leverage through first party data and marketing optimization objectives such as optimized targetingaudience expansion, and Smart Bidding,

4. Embrace Automation, but Don’t Forget the Human Touch:

Smart Bidding Strategies: Utilize Target CPA or Target ROAS bidding to optimize bids for conversions and maximize ROI.

Let Google’s AI do the heavy lifting while you focus on strategy.

Negative Keywords: Exclude irrelevant searches and landing pages to avoid wasting ad spend on non-qualified clicks.

Remember, precision is key in B2B advertising.

Landing Page Optimization: Ensure your landing pages seamlessly match your ad messaging and offer a clear path to conversion.

Don’t let a misaligned landing page kill your momentum.

5. A/B Test & Analyze Like a Data Ninja:

Headline Variations: Experiment with different headlines to see what grabs your audience’s attention and sparks curiosity. Test for best performance!

Visuals & CTAs: Play with ad formats, images, and call-to-action buttons. Find the visual and messaging combination that converts like a charm.

Performance Insights: Regularly analyze your retargeting campaign data.

Track conversion rates, cost per lead, and other key metrics to identify areas for improvement and optimize your campaigns for ongoing success.

Side note: Automating this process with Performance Max campaigns can work even better – once your assets and funnels have been proven to work with a positive return.

6. Don’t Forget the Retargeting Funnel Exit Strategy:

Win-Back Campaigns: Re-engage users who haven’t interacted with your ads in a while with special offers or exclusive content.

Sometimes, all it takes is a little reminder to rekindle their interest.

Exclusion Lists: Once users convert or become irrelevant, add them to exclusion lists to avoid wasting ad spend on them.

Keep your targeting laser-focused and efficient.

7. Measure ROI Beyond Last Click:

Track Assisted Conversions: Google Ads often plays a supporting role in B2B conversion journeys.

Use attribution models like “last-click + assist” to accurately measure the true impact of your retargeting campaigns. We normally use the “data driven” attribution, but this is not always static as you’ve seen.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): Look beyond immediate conversions. Consider the long-term value of acquired customers and optimize your retargeting strategy to attract high-value prospects.


By mastering these 7 secrets to remarketing, you’ll unlock the power of B2B retargeting in Google Ads and transform your website visitors into loyal customers, all while maximizing your return on ad spend.

Remember, it’s not just about clicks, it’s about building relationships and driving sustainable growth for your B2B business. Measure your investment against returns and optimize accordingly.

If you need help, get a free quote here.

B2B Marketing

Increase Lead Conversions – The Power of Ad Scent Consistency

As any VP of Marketing for a B2B product and service business, generating Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) is paramount for sustainable growth.

Google Ads is a potent platform that offers various channels to achieve this.

We’ll also discuss how to use Google search ads to leverage Ad Scent Consistency to get the highest quality leads and best opportunities for sales close ratios.

When generating highly qualified leads from Google, you can leverage many aspects of their ad ecosystem. There are several types (search, video, display) that you can use.

However, there are only 3 areas that you must focus on for ongoing consistency.

Let’s delve into detailed insights for each type you must consider:

1. Search (Text) Ads:

  1. High-Intent Keyword Targeting:
    • Focus on targeting keywords that demonstrate purchase intent. For instance, instead of targeting “CRM systems”, opt for “best CRM for small businesses” or “CRM system pricing”.
    • These long-tail keywords are specific and often indicate that the searcher is closer to making a buying decision.
  2. Use Ad Extensions:
    • Employ site link extensions, callout extensions, and structured snippet extensions to showcase unique selling points, offers, and key features.
    • This not only improves visibility but also provides more reasons for a searcher to click. The Google algo favors “completeness” in your ad structures.
  3. Landing Page Optimization:
    • Ensure that the landing page is relevant to the ad copy and the targeted keywords. A consistent message between the ad copy and the landing page increases conversion rates.
    • The page should load quickly, be mobile-friendly, and the lead capture form should be simple and intuitive.

2. YouTube Ads (videos from your channel or others):

  1. Leverage Video Sequencing:
    • Start with a broad, awareness-focused video to introduce the pain points your service solves.
    • Follow this with more detailed videos and targeting that delve into the solution, culminating in a direct CTA. This sequence can nurture potential SQLs down the funnel.
  2. Targeting and Retargeting:
    • Begin with a broad audience but use YouTube’s powerful targeting options to refine this over time. Note/important: we use an internal creative brief to establish the exact audiences to use. This provides even better targeting, messaging and conversion options. Don’t just leverage broad.
    • Utilize retargeting to show your ads to users who’ve interacted with your brand but haven’t converted.
  3. Clear and Strong CTAs:
    • Your video content should always end with a compelling call-to-action (CTA). This might be to schedule a demo, sign up for a free trial, or simply learn more.
    • Make the next steps clear and easy.

3. Your Branded Ads:

  1. Defend Your Brand:
    • Competitors can bid on your brand name. By running branded ads, you ensure that when potential clients search for your business, your ads appear at the top, defending against competitors trying to poach your potential leads.
    • Do not miss this opportunity for strong lead generation and brand positioning!
  2. Leverage Customer Testimonials and Reviews:
    • Branded searches indicate that the searcher is already aware of your brand.
    • Use this opportunity to reinforce trust by showcasing customer testimonials, awards, and recognitions in your ad copy.


The art of creating high-converting search text ads goes beyond the basic principles.

While many marketers know the foundational techniques, there are subtle nuances that can make a significant difference in click-through and conversion rates.

Here are some advanced insights and things you must be clear on:

  1. Deep Understanding of the Target Audience:
    • Craft your message to resonate with the searcher’s specific pain points, desires, or needs. This means understanding not just what they’re searching for, but why.
    • Are they looking for cost-efficiency, quality, reliability, or fast service? Adjust your ad’s messaging to emphasize the particular value they seek.
  2. Utilize Emotional Triggers:
    • While B2B marketing is often seen as logical and data-driven, it’s essential to remember that business decisions are made by humans driven by emotions.
    • Use emotional triggers like urgency (“Limited Offer”), exclusivity (“Be the first to…”), or safety (“Trusted by 1,000+ companies”).
  3. Ad Scent and Consistency:
    • This refers to maintaining a consistent “scent” between the ad copy and its corresponding landing page. If your ad promises a discount, the landing page should immediately reflect that.
    • If there’s a mismatch, visitors will bounce, wasting your PPC spend.
  4. Use Numbers and Symbols:
    • Ads that include numbers (e.g., “Save 25%”, “1000+ Satisfied Clients”) or symbols (e.g., &, $, %) tend to stand out more and have higher CTRs.
    • They break the monotony of text and provide clear, tangible benefits or offers.
  5. Test Different Calls-to-Action (CTAs):
    • A compelling CTA can drastically affect conversions. Don’t just settle for “Learn More” or “Buy Now”.
    • Test variations that might resonate more with your audience, like “Discover”, “Get Started”, or “See the Difference”.
  6. Dynamic Keyword Insertion:
    • This feature allows the ad to automatically adjust the text to include the exact keyword phrase the user searched for, making the ad seem incredibly relevant.
    • However, use it judiciously to avoid awkwardly phrased ads. You needs to monitor and test this carefully.
  7. Utilize All Available Ad Space:
    • Max out your character limits where it makes sense. Longer, well-crafted ads give you more space to convince a searcher to click on your ad over others.
    • This doesn’t mean to be verbose, but rather, utilize the space effectively to convey your value proposition.
  8. Display URLs Are Also Ad Copy:
    • While the Display URL in Google Ads doesn’t need to link to an actual page (since the Final URL is the actual landing page), it should be treated as part of your ad message.
    • Use it to reinforce your offer, brand, or value proposition, like “”.
  9. Pre-Qualify Clicks:
    • If your service is high-end or niche-specific, mention that in the ad. It might reduce the number of clicks, but the ones you do get will be from an audience more likely to convert.
    • For instance, “Premium CRM for Large Enterprises” ensures that small businesses won’t waste your ad budget.
  10. Continuous A/B Testing:
    • Digital advertising is dynamic. Regularly test different headlines, descriptions, and CTAs to see what resonates the most with your target audience.
    • Over time, these incremental improvements can lead to significantly better performance.

Crafting a high-converting search text ad is a blend of art and science. And, it starts with understanding your audience, and how your messaging is positioned in ads, landers and scripts (sales team) and have a clear offer structure and next steps process.

So, it requires understanding the audience’s psychology, iterating based on data, and staying updated with platform-specific nuances and best practices.

In conclusion, while each channel within Google Ads serves a distinct purpose, they should be utilized cohesively in a well-structured marketing strategy.

Continuous testing, refinement, and optimization, backed by a deep understanding of the target audience, will be crucial in driving SQLs for a B2B service business.


Adwords Analytics Facebook Ads Facebook advertising Wicked Reports

Mastering Google YouTube Ads and Omni-Channel Marketing – The Role of ROAS, Attribution, and MER

When managing your Google YouTube ads (and other popular ad platforms, like Meta Ads), understanding the balance between your spending and the return you’re getting is crucial. 

While the Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is the most common formula used, the efficiency of your marketing as a whole can be better represented by another metric: the Marketing Efficiency Ratio (MER). 

Combined with sophisticated third-party attribution tools such as Wicked Reports, these calculations can offer you a clearer understanding of your ad campaigns’ true profitability.

Breaking Down ROAS and MER

ROAS is a simple equation that divides the revenue generated from an ad by the cost of that ad:

ROAS = (Revenue from Ad) / (Cost of Ad)

So, if you’ve spent $1000 on an ad and generated $5000, your ROAS is 5.

This means you’re earning $5 for every $1 you spend, suggesting a profitable ad campaign.

While ROAS is a valuable tool, it provides a narrow view of your marketing campaign’s performance.

This is where the Marketing Efficiency Ratio (MER) comes in. 

mer_vs_roasMER measures your total revenue in relation to your total marketing spend, giving you a broader understanding of your marketing efforts.

Calculating your MER can help optimize your budget allocation and improve your overall marketing strategy.

Implementing Attribution and Tracking Conversions

However, things can get complicated when you incorporate a multi-touch attribution model into your calculations. 

This model tracks and credits all marketing touchpoints that lead to a conversion, not just the final interaction. 

This is crucial in today’s omnichannel marketing world, where customers interact with your brand across multiple platforms before making a purchase.

SCENARIO: We often see complex patterns of user behavior. For example: A visitor watches your YouTube Ad (or parts of it). Later, they Google search your brand name and visit your website. In turn, they sign up for your email list. Finally, they purchase from one of your email sequences over time, a few weeks later, or even several months after the fact. If a subscription model, they are charged on future intervals and should be tracked.

Google partially solves this dilemma of tracking. Big G can implement attribution and track sales from offline conversions and over extended periods (30 days, standard):

  1. Google’s Attribution Models: Google Ads offers several attribution models such as last click, first click, linear, time decay, and data-driven. These can help you understand each touchpoint’s contribution to the conversion path.
  2. Google Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels: This tool helps visualize your customers’ conversion path, demonstrating how your marketing channels (organic, paid, social, email, etc.) collaborate to create conversions.
  3. Offline Conversion Tracking: This allows you to measure which ads lead to valuable offline actions, such as phone calls or in-store visits. You can import this data back into Google Ads to determine which campaigns drive the most profitable offline conversions.
  4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software: By integrating your CRM with Google Ads, you can track long-term interactions and attribute conversions to the right marketing activities.
  5. Google’s Customer Match: This tool lets you use your online and offline data to reconnect with your customers across Google services.
  6. Google Analytics 4 Attribution: GA4 provides different attribution models. An attribution model can be a rule, a set of rules, or a data-driven algorithm that determines how credit for conversions is assigned to touchpoints on conversion paths.There are three types of attribution models available in GA4. Learn more about GA4 migration here.

Leverage Third-party Tools Like Wicked Reports

To bolster your understanding of your ad campaigns’ performance, tools like Wicked Reports can provide a deeper analysis of your data. 

Wicked Reports can reconcile your multi-touch attribution data with your long-term customer value data, offering a holistic view of your marketing performance. 

This can help you fine-tune your campaigns, aligning them with your customers’ behaviors and your business goals.

And, as an agency, we now have the proof of the entire “clicks-to-purchase journey” to show our clients and back it up with OrderIDs and customer names.

How Wicked Reports Differs From Google

Wicked Reports and Google Ads are both powerful tools that marketers can use to analyze and optimize their advertising campaigns. 

However, they approach attribution differently and offer distinct advantages. 

Here’s why you might find Wicked Reports to be more advantageous for tracking attribution:

  1. Long-term Attribution: Wicked Reports tracks customers over their entire lifetime, giving you insights into long-term ROI. Google Ads primarily focuses on a 30-day conversion window, which may not capture the full value of customer interactions over time.
  2. Cross-Platform Attribution: While Google Ads provides attribution information for ads within its ecosystem (Google Search, YouTube, etc.), Wicked Reports can track attribution across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, email campaigns, TikTok, Snapchat and more. This allows for a more comprehensive view of your marketing efforts.
  3. Sales-Based Attribution: Wicked Reports uses actual sales data (first party data) for attribution, giving you accurate ROI metrics. Google Ads often bases attribution on clicks or conversions, which doesn’t necessarily translate to actual revenue.
  4. Customer Journey Insight: Wicked Reports provides detailed information about the customer journey, showing how different touchpoints influence a customer’s decision to purchase. While Google Ads does offer some insights into the customer journey, it can be limited to interactions within the Google ecosystem.
  5. Cohort Analysis: Wicked Reports enables cohort analysis, allowing you to group customers based on their behaviors and evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns over time. Google Ads doesn’t offer this level of analysis natively.
  6. Multi-touch Attribution: While Google Ads does offer several attribution models, Wicked Reports’ strength lies in its robust multi-touch attribution model that accurately assigns credit to each touchpoint in the customer’s journey, giving a more nuanced understanding of your marketing funnel.
  7. Funnel Vision Empowerment: This report provides a visual representation of the funnel and allows businesses to identify areas for improvement by tracking conversion rates at each stage. With the FunnelVision report, eCom brands can see which campaigns drive the most sales and adjust their marketing budgets accordingly. This allows them to allocate their resources effectively and optimize their campaigns to increase their ROI.

While Google Ads offers useful insights and tools for campaign optimization within the Google network, Wicked Reports provides a more holistic, revenue-focused, and cross-platform view of your marketing performance. 

It helps marketers understand how different marketing activities contribute to the bottom line over the lifetime of a customer, which can be crucial for strategic decision-making.


In conclusion, to ensure successful attribution: Maintain a consistent tracking strategy, regularly monitor and interpret your data, campaigns, and continuously optimize your marketing efforts based on your findings and actual data.

By understanding the customer journey, you can make more informed decisions on your marketing budget allocation for maximum impact. 

Combine the power of ROAS, MER, and third-party multi-touch marketing attribution software like Wicked Reports to amplify your YouTube, Google, Facebook, Tiktok, Pinterest, Snapchat, LinkedIn ad success.

Learn more here.


Why You Should Use YouTube Ads For Business

Why Consider YouTube Ads For Your Business?

YouTube is a video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, share, and view videos. It was founded in 2005 and is now owned by Google.

YouTube has become the largest video-sharing site in the world, with over 2 billion monthly active users and over 1 billion hours of video watched every day.

As of 2023, YouTube has over 2.68 billion monthly active users. 52% of internet users worldwide access YouTube at least once a month!

YouTube videos can range from short clips to full-length movies, and can cover a wide range of topics, including music, tutorials, comedy, vlogs, news, and much more.

Users can search for videos using keywords or browse through channels, playlists, and recommended videos based on their viewing history and preferences.

In addition to watching videos, users can interact with YouTube content by liking, commenting, and sharing videos with others. Users can also subscribe to channels to receive notifications when new videos are uploaded.

For content creators, YouTube offers the opportunity to reach a large audience and monetize their content through advertising revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.

To become a successful YouTube creator, it’s important to create engaging content that resonates with your audience and to promote your videos through social media and other channels.

YouTube creators can also run YouTube ads to drive more direct response driven campaigns and collect data for further optimization across their channel(s).

Overall, YouTube has become an important part of our digital culture, providing a platform for creativity, entertainment, education, and community-building through video content.

READ: 10 Questions To Ask Before Starting Any YouTube Ads Campaign

What determines a good quality video ad on the YouTube platform?

The quality of a YouTube video ad is determined by a few different factors. Here are a few important ones:


The ad should be relevant to the viewer and the content they are watching. For example, if someone is watching a video about cooking, an ad for kitchen appliances would be more relevant than an ad for car insurance.


The ad should be creative and engaging, with a clear message that captures the viewer’s attention. This can be achieved through the use of humor, storytelling, or stunning visuals. And, remember the first 1-3 seconds are essential to create interest and drive. We call this the “hook”.

Production quality:

The ad should be well-produced, with high-quality visuals, sound, and editing. This can help make the ad more professional and polished. NOTE: This should be tested, as we have many clients who only use a high quality lapel microphone and their iPhone, with excellent results (conversion rate on landing page and engagement rate overall, included).


The ad should be an appropriate length for the viewer and the content they are watching. For example, shorter ads may be more effective for viewers who are watching short videos or have shorter attention spans. We test multiple length versions from 30 seconds, 3 minutes and longer, webinar-enabled styles.

Call to action:

The ad should have a clear call to action that encourages the viewer to take a specific action, such as visiting a website, making a purchase, or subscribing to a channel. Always make this obvious, and try to use the CTA (call to action) in several places in the video.

A good video ad is important for Top of Funnel engagement (clicks), but how about a landing page?

So, imagine you’re watching a YouTube video and an ad shows up that catches your attention. You click on the ad and it takes you to a landing page, which is a web page that has been specifically designed to convert visitors into customers or clients.

Here are some factors that should be considered for a highly effective, high converting landing page from YouTube ads traffic:


The landing page should be relevant to the ad that the visitor clicked on. This means that the landing page should have the same message, offer, and tone as the ad. (You have learned that relevance is key!)

Clear message:

The landing page should have a clear message that tells the visitor what the offer is and why they should care. This can be achieved through clear headlines, subheadings, and bullet points. Simplicity and specificity!

Strong visuals:

The landing page should have strong visuals that support the message and make the page more engaging. This can be achieved through high-quality images, videos, and graphics.

Simple design:

The landing page should have a simple, easy-to-navigate design that makes it easy for the visitor to find what they’re looking for. This can be achieved through clear navigation, white space, and a clean layout. Some of our best converting landing pages have a logo, headlines, sub-head, video and call to action button. The footer will include legal disclaimers and privacy notices.

Social proof:

The landing page should have social proof, which means that it should have testimonials, reviews, or other forms of social proof that show that other people have had a positive experience with the product or service.

Clear call to action:

The landing page should have a clear call to action that tells the visitor what to do next, such as “buy now” or “sign up for a free trial.”

What is the YouTube auction model? How can I get my ad more visible over my competition?

So, imagine you’re watching a YouTube video and an ad shows up before the video starts. That ad was put there by a company that wants to advertise their product or service to people who are watching YouTube videos, like you.

Now, lots of companies want to advertise on YouTube, but there are only so many ads that can be shown at any given time. So, YouTube has an auction to decide which ads get shown and when.

In this auction, companies bid on how much they’re willing to pay to have their ad shown to a particular audience. The more a company is willing to pay, the more likely it is that their ad will be shown to viewers like you.

But it’s not just about who is willing to pay the most money. YouTube also looks at other factors, like the relevance of the ad to the viewer and the overall quality of the ad.

So, when you watch a YouTube video and see an ad, it’s because that ad won the auction and was deemed the best fit for you based on factors like relevance and quality.

In simple terms, Google analyzes expected click-through-rate, relevance and landing page experience.

When you have high alignment and segmentation between your audience, video message and destination URL, you are on your way to a successful YouTube ads campaign.

Of course, many other variables play into scaling a campaign and to ensure you stay profitable from your ad spend over a longer period.

If you need help or just want to learn more, connect with us here.


The Best Way To Choose Keywords for PPC

What Is the Best Way To Choose Keywords for PPC?

Every effective digital marketing plan has to include a solid (positive return) pay-per-click campaign. PPC works well with SEO and content marketing to make sure your company is seen by the right people.

You drive traffic with carefully picked search terms, but what is the best way to choose keywords for PPC ads?

Here’s a quick guide to get you started.

The Best Way To Choose Keywords for PPC

To start creating a strategy for this type of marketing, you need to understand what it is.

With a pay-per-click ad, the advertiser pays a fee each time a user clicks the ad.

PPC is typically used to direct traffic to websites to encourage sales and conversions.

There are several platforms that offer PPC advertising, including Google Ads, Bing Ads, LinkedIn Ads and Facebook Ads.

These platforms allow advertisers to create ads, set a budget, and target their ads to specific users based on demographics, interests, and other factors.

PPC advertising can be a cost-effective way for businesses to reach their target audience, allowing them to bid on keywords or phrases that are relevant to their products or services.

When users search for the selected keywords or phrases, the advertiser’s ad may show up in the search results.

Since your ad placement and budget will depend on your keywords, it’s easy to see why you need a strategy to choose the right keywords.

There are several factors to consider when choosing the best keywords for your needs.


The best way to choose keywords for PPC ads is to think of words and phrases relevant to your business and the products or services you offer.

This helps ensure that your ads are shown to users who are interested in what you have to offer. There are many tools available to jumpstart this process, including the Google Keyword Planner.

Search Volume

Consider the number of people who are searching for the keywords you are targeting.

Keywords with higher search volume may be more competitive, but they may also be more effective in driving traffic to your website. Between transactional, informational and navigational search, you’ll want to balance brand awareness searches vs. sales/value based ones.


Research the cost-per-click for the keywords you are considering.

Keywords with a higher CPC may be more expensive, but they may also be more effective in generating leads or sales.

Quality Score

Google Ads (AdWords), among many variables to determine quality – uses a ‘Quality Score’ metric to determine the relevance and effectiveness of your ads, keywords and landing pages (your content and congruence to the ad).

Keywords with a high Quality Score may have a lower CPC and may be more likely to appear in a higher position in the search results.

Note: QS is only part of the equation as mentioned, so make sure to have complete insights to all your metrics and important touch points (e.g. ‘conversions’ and ‘sales metrics’).

When picking the keywords you will target, you need to balance all of these factors.

Having great keywords that are very relevant but cost too much may limit how far your budget goes, while using cheap keywords that aren’t high-quality will hurt your traffic and sales.

Learn the Best Way To Choose Keywords for PPC and Start Growing

PPC marketing can be a great asset to your company’s growth plan if you do it the right way.

When you aren’t sure about the best way to choose keywords for PPC, there is help: At Chaosmap we are focused on helping you increase traffic in a way that supports building revenue.

Reach out today and find the keywords that are worth your money.
