Lead Generation

7 Ways To Get Clients From These Lead Generation Tactics

Acquiring new clients is the lifeblood of any successful business.

Without a steady flow of high-quality leads, it becomes extremely difficult to grow your client base and achieve your revenue goals.

The good news is that there are numerous effective tactics you can use to generate more leads and fill your sales pipeline.

Here are 7 of the best ways to generate leads for client acquisition:

Content Marketing:

Producing valuable, informative content like blog posts, videos, podcasts, and whitepapers can position your business as an industry authority and attract prospective clients to your website.

Make sure to optimize your content for search engines (SEO) and promote the content across your digital channels.

Email Marketing:

Building an email list of interested prospects and sending them relevant, engaging messages is a direct line to generating new leads.

Offer lead magnets like e-books or free consultations to entice people to sign up for your email list.

Networking and Referrals:

Attending industry events, joining professional associations, and leveraging your personal and professional connections can lead to valuable referrals and introductions to potential clients.

Provide value as much as possible and early in the relationship building.

Social Media Outreach:

Be active on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

It allows you to connect with your target audience, share your expertise, and nurture relationships that can turn into new business opportunities.

Online Advertising:

Strategically placing ads on search engines, social media, or industry websites can drive qualified traffic to your website and capture the contact information of interested leads.

YouTube Ads are a great lead generation opportunity when used as an educational tool. Your audience visits YouTube to learn and be entertained. Script a 2-3 minute video and test different versions and length.

Webinars and Virtual Events:

Hosting educational webinars or virtual events positions you as a thought leader and gives you the chance to engage with potential clients in a personal way.

Set up a 3-step webinar funnel (landing, room and calendar) and drive targeted traffic into it.

Offer valuable insights and include a clear call-to-action to convert attendees into leads.

Strategic Partnerships:

Collaborating with complementary businesses, influencers, or industry experts to cross-promote your services can introduce you to new audiences and generate high-quality referrals.


Implementing a combination of these tactics will help you build a robust pipeline of leads that you can nurture and convert into loyal, long-term clients.

Remember, consistency and a data-driven approach are key to maximizing the effectiveness of your lead generation efforts.

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Lead Generation

Doing Lead Generation The Right Way

The secret to copywriting for marketing funnels that convert?

It is to create compelling and persuasive copy that speaks to the customer‘s needs. The copy should grab the reader‘s attention, explain the benefits of the product or service, and clearly explain the call to action. This content captures the attention of the reader and encourages them to take action.

When you build this type of content and approach into your funnels, the results and outcomes will increase.

Additionally, the copy should be optimized for search engines and include relevant keywords. Finally, it‘s important to test different versions of the copy to see what works best.

Filling your marketing and sales funnel of prospects that fit your business profile will add a significant boost to your company.

Leads and lead generation project work (funnel building strategies) is the lifeblood of any business.

There’s an opportunity for growth, but it must continually be developed and nurtured.

Lead generation is one part of the formula. Closing to sales is the final step.

Closing the lead is the end goal. But, you knew that.

Whether you are a startup or have an established business, a system for the “perfect” profile client attraction must be created and communicated.

It must be continually tested and added into your existing networking and referral process. It must evolve from change and validated for positive returns every step of the way.

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5 Amazing Shopify Apps to Increase Sales (and Profits) Overnight

Shopify’s app store has thousands of apps claiming to be the solution to boosting your online sales.


It’s impossible to filter through all these tools, especially when most of them are expensive and bring no value to your store.

Which is why we decided to share this list with you…

In our longstanding expertise, here are the best 5 Shopify apps to boost sales and profits:

1- Klaviyo

For decades, email has proven to be a very effective marketing technique for ecommerce stores. But as your companies grow, managing every aspect of the business can get a lot harder.

That’s why you need Klaviyo.

Klaviyo Shopify App

Klaviyo is an email marketing app that helps you automate email campaigns for your business. It’s the ultimate time and money saver as it helps you create personalized email sequences using pre-built templates depending on your marketing goals.

Some of its key features include:

  • Post-purchase follow up email sequences
  • Email personalization
  • Audience segmentation (based on behavior, location, etc)
  • Performance reports and data analytics
  • A/B testing

2- Recart

Cart abandonment is often one of the biggest challenges for online businesses. Imagine moving a target customer all the way to the bottom of the funnel, and then losing them moments before they convert.

Does that sound familiar?

Then Recart is the answer…

Cart abandonment emails are still super effective in recapturing lost leads. However, focusing on other platforms where your audience might be present — such as Facebook and Messenger — is a must.

Recart Shopify App


With features like push notifications, on-site popup messages, and Messenger marketing campaigns, Recart is the best solution to recovering lost leads.

The tool also offers detailed analytic reports to help you optimize your campaigns and focus on improving what’s important.

3- Zipify — OneClickUpsell

It’s hard to sell a single product, let alone multiple items at once. But that’s only true if you’re not using Zipify’s One-Click-Upsell (OCU).

OCU is the go-to solution for promoting matching products in your store to interested customers pre or post-purchase. It’s the best tool to upsell upgrades, add-ons, or accessories to engaged customers.

OneClickUpsell for Shopify


OneClickUpsell allows you to easily customize your product and subscription pages without the help of a developer. With a few simple tweaks, you can add testimonials or display similar products to encourage your leads to buy more.

As if that’s not enough…

OCU also comes with highly converting email sequences that you can use to retarget customers and boost your sales.

4- Trackify

No matter how great your products, branding, and marketing campaigns are, you’re not going to win unless you target the right audience.

And that’s exactly what Trackify is for…

Trackify is an all-in-one Facebook pixel app that helps store owners reduce ad spend and maximize their results. But what makes it even more interesting are the excellent features that come with it.

Trackify Facebook Pixel Optimization App

For example:

You can easily integrate a pixel with your Shopify store, then create specific tags for different products. Which allows you to run highly targeted ad campaigns on Facebook.

After that, you’ll be able to build and segment different audiences focusing on specific product pages.

Beyond that:

You can integrate Trackify with any Shopify app or theme you’ve installed on your website. Which makes it an excellent option compared to other Facebook pixel apps.

Another thing worth mentioning is the outstanding customer support offered by the company. You can jump on the live chat anytime and get your questions answered within minutes of asking them.

5- Crazyegg

Crazyegg helps you get a visual representation of how users are interacting with your website. You’ll be able to see how visitors scroll on the page, how their mouses move, and which parts they click on.

The two main features of Crazyegg are heatmaps and scroll maps.

Crazyegg App Features

For heatmaps, you’ll identify the places your leads click on the most, which are called hotspots in the app. Such data helps you better place important elements or buttons on your sales pages.

Scroll maps, however, show how users are scrolling on the page and how long they spend reading different sections. This feature is best used with long landing pages or sales offers to help you better reorganize your layouts.

Ready to Skyrocket Your Shopify Business?

ChaosMap can help! We’re a team of online sales and advertising experts ready to help you maximize your profits with your E-commerce stores.

Feel free to check out our digital marketing services to learn more. And don’t hesitate to contact us today so we can discuss your project needs.

Campaigns CBD Digital Marketing Email marketing Facebook Ads Google Lead Generation SEO SEO Local

4 Ways To Advertise CBD / Hemp Products Safely With Maximum Returns (On Facebook & Google!)

CBD and hemp products are one of the fastest-growing trends in the market today. Thanks to the recent law changes, the CBD market is expected to reach $16.32 Billion by 2026 (GlobeNewsWire).

One in seven Americans personally use cannabidiol based products, that’s 14% of the US population (Gallup) that use CBD-derived products.


There’s a huge first-mover advantage for CBD companies looking to dominate the market. The competition is at its lowest, and people are eager to learn about these new substances.

By seizing a good market share at such an early stage, you’ll guarantee your brand’s success for years to come when you advertise and consistently build content and serve your audiences.

So, that makes you wonder:

What’s the best way to advertise CBD/hemp products online?

A Brief CBD Introduction…

CBD or cannabidiol is an ingredient of cannabis. However, legal CBD is not psychoactive, and not part of any of these groups: stimulants, depressants, opioids, and hallucinogens. Psychoactive drugs affect the body’s central nervous system and are different from legal CBD.

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), an ingredient of cannabis, affects the classic symptoms of feeling “high”. 

However, Hemp-derived CBD contains a maximum of 0.3% THC and is the legal limit for selling CBD products. The passage of the Farm Bill in 2018 made it legal in the US to sell hemp and hemp-derived products. Still, there are certain restrictions, and also state-by-state.

Many people find CBD to help with (although not scientifically proven):

  • Pain relief
  • Inflammation reduction
  • Anxiety & depression relief
  • Easing or reducing migraines
  • Treat or alleviate certain skin conditions
  • Other benefits, acting as an antioxidant, for example

There are many CBD products available, with product types like:

  • CBD tinctures (drops)
  • Edibles (chocolate infused, coffee, etc.)
  • Creams, skin salves (help with inflammation or arthritis)
  • Capsules (tablet form)
  • Isolates (powder form)
  • Vaporizers (“vaping” products)
  • CBD for pets (a specialized niche within the CBD niche)

Additionally, there are nasal sprays, candy, gummies, and candles that further reveal the variety of ideas within the popular CBD niche.

When advertising on any ad platform, and especially using Facebook & Google, do NOT try to circumvent the systems or go against their policies. As a matter of fact, this is a wise rule to follow overall… and certainly when targeting the CBD market. 

1 – Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads (Search & Display)


Facebook and Google are two of the biggest advertising platforms today. They allow you to display your paid ads to a large customer base to boost sales and grow a successful business.


These platforms are super suspicious around cannabis and hemp-derived products. Many advertisers are facing challenges when trying to run ads on Facebook and Google. Hemp (topicals) are ok at this time, but stay on top of the advertising guidelines for Facebook and read the ad policies for Google. You can’t make any medical claims about its benefits, or that your CBD products can cure or prevent serious illnesses.


<img role= Check local state laws before selling 

<img role= Source tested and high-quality CBD for your products

<img role= Label your products clearly and provide certification

<img role= Understand how CBD works and carry out in-depth research

<img role= Build a trustworthy brand for your CBD business (See certified supplier companies)


<img role= Sell CBD that contains more than 0.3% THC

<img role= Make medical health claims about your products

<img role= Use an unreliable or unofficial CBD supplier

<img role= Be careless when choosing a payment processor or a website builder

<img role= Take risks that could affect your business or your customers

Connect and partner with industry leaders, like the National Hemp Association.

There is a lot to consider when setting up a CBD business and advertising, but thankfully…

We have found successful ways to overcome these restrictions. You can be creative too and find unique ways to advertise on these programs without violating ad platform policies.

Here’s a shortlist of great ways to advertise on Facebook & Google (search) while staying compliant.

(We’re using an example on topic “pain relief”, but you can (and should) try multiple wellness/health angles):

  1. Run multiple ads for topicals – like “hemp” (not CBD). Mention things like “try our new survey.” And for the pain relief angle – present a special offer/coupon that can “soothe your discomfort.”
  2. Send clicks to website content with an authoritative voice around “pain relief.” Capture their email and send educational materials, information, blending in offers as appropriate. You should be building your email list at all times, naturally.
  3. Run ads to a survey page ( – with a health/wellness focus. Implement logic to direct offers (discount codes they can use) based on their answers. The resulting page provides a button/link to your website and shopping cart. Keep it closely tied to “hemp-derived” wellness products (capsules, gummies, tinctures, pain cream, pet joint support, etc.) *See example of survey questions below.
  4. Capture their email for your email list (remember: no spam, build your brand, and become a trusted authority). You can now create offers that are directly tied to your CBD products from email broadcasts.
  5. For a wellness/pain relief survey, here are questions you might ask:
    1. During the past two weeks, how often have you had sleeping problems, or not waking up refreshed? (yes-often, yes-but not often, not bothered by it, I sleep great)
    2. In a typical week, how often do you feel anxious or stressed at work/home? (always, most of the time, about half the time, once in a while, never)
    3. How much would it increase the quality of your life if you slept better and/or had less stress? (a great deal, a lot, moderately, a little, none at all)
  6. For Facebook, create a business page as usual. Keep content minimal and within guidelines. It’s for advertising only. You are not using this page to grow organically.
  7. Use retargeting strategies with AI-driven ad platforms like (yes, you can run CBD offers directly, but your site must be pre-approved and on a case-by-case basis)
  8. Check policies for retargeting on other platforms like Yahoo Gemini & Taboola.
  9. Reach out to targeted content advertisers like Leafly, HighTimes and market-specific journals. Do your research and allocate budgets accordingly. Sponsored content can work well.
  10. Remember to track the statistics and measure against your KPI’s. Tag all links so they can be easily tracked and reported on inside your analytics. Continue testing and tweaking.

Additional and useful CBD marketing ideas for scaling:

  1. Provide e-guides as friendly bribes to capture emails (no spamming).
  2. Consider programmatic advertising on 3rd party platforms, like Vana and Fieldtest.
  3. Influencer marketing opportunities: reach out to influencers that are related to your products and offer them a starting package.
  4. Podcasting is more popular than ever. Review podcasts for your market and reach out to the owners with an opportunity for links and shout-outs.

These tactics work well at the time of writing. We use several other strategies that are built on a long-term, growth & brand building focus. (See below for links to sign up)


Stay updated with your national & local CBD laws and avoid doing business in states where cannabis is still illegal. If you are selling CBD products locally via a dispensary, make sure to follow guidelines and watch for any changes in your market.

TIP: To get more quality traffic for your dispensary and cannabis operations, all while staying compliant, visit The SM Services.


You must be sure not to include banned terms like “cannabis,” “CBD,” or other related keywords in your landing page and ad copy. Don’t use emojis with “bee” in words (c-bee-d) either!

2 – Third-Party Ads


Third-party ads can be a great way to grow your business online. That’s even more true if you’re going to focus your marketing on native advertising.

Native ads are a type of online ads that match the appearance, function, and form of the content on the page. This kind of advertising doesn’t interrupt the user experience. So, that makes viewers more likely to notice your message and interact with it.

Unfortunately, there are still some ad networks that do not accept CBD/Hemp related products.


Your options here are limitless.

Many third-party ad programs are aware of the benefits of CBD-derived products and allow their advertisement.


You can reach millions of users on different websites and grow awareness around your brand. Better yet, you’ll have fewer regulations and restrictions to deal with.

3 – SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is a strategy based on creating content and optimizing it via keywords and links to rank high on Google’s first page. When people search on Google for related terms such as “CBD” or “cannabidiol,” your site can appear at the top.

These users will then visit your pages and get their questions answered, which helps promote your brand as a leading authority in the industry.

You can then convert those visitors into loyal clients via smart sales funnels and e-commerce shopping systems like:

Another way to go about this is to focus on smaller markets with local SEO. You’ll target local consumers where cannabis-related products are legal and can be purchased. Include local ranking signals for Google to show up high in the local map pack.

4 – Email Marketing


Email marketing is a winning marketing strategy for CBD companies for one reason:

It gives them full autonomy.

Building a list of email subscribers allows you to reach out to your audience whenever you want. You can keep them updated with your latest brand announcements and products for no cost.


The restrictions this time are enforced by your subscribers. Email marketing is a pure value-first marketing strategy, and your prospects can smell when they’re being used.

You have to familiarize your prospects with your brand by sharing helpful content. And you must prove your expertise if you want to keep your audience interested in your offers.

Wrapping It Up

Most advertising platforms are still testing the waters when it comes to CBD and hemp. But, there are lots of ways you can bring attention to your products without violating any policies.

Looking for an efficient strategy to grow your CBD business faster?

Chaosmap offers professional CBD and hemp-products website development, advertising & marketing services. We provide expert advice and consulting on how to turn your company into a profitable business, including scaling an existing, proven business.

Check out our digital marketing services and contact us to learn more about how we can help you propel your CBD, health & wellness business forward, faster.


Here’s more information on CBD/Hemp e-comm websites we can build for you.