
Mastering the Art of Video Editing

If you are considering video as a strategy to drive more traffic and leads to your business, you are making a smart move. You should test it for your market.

But, while the content strategy is just as important in video as with other media channels, you must make the video look good to ensuring higher user engagement.

You probably know this, but let me remind you: the edit is the most powerful tool in video making.

“There are many factors that go in to creating the perfect marketing video. Having an intelligent script, skillful camera and audio work, and seasoned producing and directing are crucial aspects to making a marketing video successful.  But perhaps the most important piece, the place where all of this comes together to form a coherent story is during the editing process. “ – Skillman Video Group

What comes out of the editing room is what the audience will see from your brand. See basic editing examples on Wistia.

video-editing-basics-wistia – the guys are having fun while sharing great editing insights

Knowing how to edit in a compelling way ensures your message will get across and the viewer will enjoy the experience.

Types of Edits

There are countless kinds of edits and cuts that are used depending on what needs to be portrayed.

Straight cuts, fast cuts and smash cuts are a few of the easiest to use.

  • Straight Cuts: These are an editor’s bread and butter. Essentially, they are used to change the angle of a shot or to move between shots. They keep the story moving forward and keep interest in the scene.
  • Fast Cuts: These change how the audience perceives the energy of the scene. You see this style of editing in montages and high-energy videos when you don’t have more than a second to see the frame before moving on to the next one.
  • Slow Cuts: These are the direct opposite of the fast cut. Where fast cuts get your heart rate going and you are taking in a lot of information, slow cuts build the tension in a scene. Think of scenes in horror movies when you know the monster is in the house and the camera stays on the main character as the monster comes up behind him or her.

When to Use Different Cuts

Editing styles have changed drastically over the last 50 years.

King Kong – Storified in a movie

Older movies tend to have fewer cuts with more emphasis placed on each cut. Today, cuts tend to happen more quickly and move the story along in a specific way. When you decide to cut influences how a scene plays out.

For instance, long takes with few cuts let tension build and enable viewers to take in all parts of the frame.

Alternatively, a lot of quick cuts lead viewers to see what the director wants them to.

The length of the final project also has to do with how many edits there are.

Short videos and ads aren’t conducive to a slow cut, and an interview would be jarring and difficult to follow if there were a lot of fast cuts.

Editing Commercials

Commercials, especially for fun products like food and drinks, use quick cuts to give off a lot of energy in a short period of time.

Videos that are only 15 seconds long also have to cram as much information as possible into that segment as possible.

Take a Captain Morgan commercial as an example.

Captain Morgan Videos – editing examples

One of the brand’s 15-second videos can have up to 20 cuts, none lasting longer than one second.

This is just enough time for the viewer to process the general message those frames are trying to convey without wasting time on explanation or detail.

Editing Interviews

A more subdued video, like an interview, still benefits from good editing.

In this case, editing is needed to keep the viewer’s attention for longer periods of time.

A single angle of two people talking is boring, so certain editing techniques were developed to keep viewer’s interest longer.

Cutting on action means that you change your angle when the subject is doing something.

For instance, if the subject is turning away from you, you would cut before the turn is complete to eliminate the awkward second when the speaker is not facing the camera.

Another good example is if a speaker gestures toward another person. You would want to cut to their reaction to make the scene look natural.

Editing out a speaker’s “umms” and “ahs” also makes for a more engaging video.

While these moments may seem minor in a normal conversation, they add extra seconds to the final product and are seconds when the audience may stop listening.

These can easily be taken out by cutting to a different angle and trimming down the audio from the first segment.

Drive More Traffic

Once you have created, edited and produced a video, make sure to publish it to your YouTube channel, and optimize it for search engines (SEO). You’ll get ranked, drive traffic and build a targeted audience for your email lists and retargeting campaigns.

Tools of the (editing) video trade:

  1. (Favorite)
  2. (Favorite)
  3. (Favorite)
General Videos

How To Capture Your Audience Instantly with Mobile Video

According to Forbes, mobile video will represent roughly 69 percent of all mobile traffic by 2018.

YouTube remains the video content king, but there are many other ways to reach your audience. With the explosion of Vine over the past 18 months and Instagram following up with video capabilities, it has become imperative to include videos in your mobile marketing strategy.

get mobile attention with video

Vine boasts a user base of around 40 million and Instagram has about 130 million users, according to NeoMobile. Brands large and small have used these platforms to convey messages through clever and captivating videos to much success.

Inspire Your Audience with Jaw-dropping Videos

Inspire your audience and keep them coming back to your page through videos that invoke powerful emotions. Either show off what your brand can do or what your product can inspire your audience to do.

RedBull is a great example of a brand that is using their mobile video strategy to bring out emotion and inspire viewers. Red Bull recently posted a video on their Instagram page of their Red Bull-sponsored skydivers flying over New York City.

The video generated 46,000 likes and reminded the world of Red Bull’s dedication to adrenaline-fueled moments.

Go Viral

YouTube generates a whopping 40 percent of their total traffic from mobile devices, so creating videos on this platform is still necessary for generating conversation surrounding your brand, according to Business Insider.

If you aren’t the creative type, use simple stock videos to engage your audience.

Viral videos are often short clips, according to, so make sure you choose videos that can incite an emotional response within seconds.

A video posted on Beldent’s YouTube page back in November 2013 went viral this week stating some controversial claims.

The video asserts that those who chew gum are more likely to have more friends, more likely to give you a raise and less likely to pull you over and give you a ticket. For some it may be hard to believe these assumptions given that Beldent conducted the video and experiment.

Nevertheless, it got people talking and helped increase brand recognition.

Make Them Laugh

Using video to make your audience laugh is another great way to reach out and gain more followers.

Many brands have either created their own videos on Vine or enlisted the talents of Vine stars to make creative, funny videos that stimulate users.

Taco Bell is notorious for having hilarious marketing campaigns.

Remember when they claimed they bought the Liberty Bell and renamed it the Taco Liberty Bell? And no one can look at a Chihuahua and not think of the famous Taco Bell dog. Recently, having added breakfast to their menu they used Vine to market their new offerings.

In the video, a young man wakes up and lumbers to the nearest Taco Bell still in his PJs only to walk out like a champion after picking up some coffee and a waffle taco.

It’s important to be cognizant of who your audience is and which platform will work the best for you. If you’re targeting a younger demographic then maybe a Vine account with quirky videos will be more useful.

If your brand appeals to adventure seekers, an Instagram inundated with scenic images and heart-pumping videos may be your best bet.

Regardless, a mobile video strategy is important in capturing and keeping your audience.