And after six cups of coffee and a 20 minute Facebook break, you’re still a good writer.
But you haven’t written anything. Yet. And the cursor on that blank Word document is starting to make your eye twitch.
Via Giphy
Now is the time to channel your high school English teacher and use a creative writing prompt.
Or five.
According to Poets & Writers Magazine, building creative writing prompts help even the most seasoned writers by generating new ideas and sparking some inspiration.
Even if you end up scrapping the whole thing, the prompt itself will help you hone your craft and reach your full potential as a writer.
Here are 5 ways to creative writing prompts and how to get more ideas for content:
1. Develop Discipline
Even the greats admit that writing is work. Ray Bradbury once said, “Any man who keeps working is not a failure.
He may not be a great writer, but if he applies the old-fashioned virtues of hard, constant labor, he’ll eventually make some kind of career for himself as writer.”
If you get up everyday and write something, you will eventually write something well. A daily writing prompt from sites like can provide the necessary structure to work your writing muscle.
Think of it like meeting up with your personal trainer (only without the embarrassing outfits).
2. Take the Scenic Route
Writing prompts take your pen off the beaten path.
For example, imagine starting a story with this prompt from Writer’s Digest:
“I hadn’t had a drink in nearly 10 years” and ending it with “If only I could remember where I left my pants.”
A prompt that starts a storyline you don’t usually pursue is a great thing because it broadens your artistic lens.
You are forced to investigate a new plotline, a strange character, a hidden flaw.
If you don’t like the end product, at least you will have a refreshed palate when you return to business as usual.
3. Inspire a New Start
Sometimes, the very act of putting words on a page can break up writer’s block.
It’s no secret that keyword research should be at the core of every online marketing campaign.
While there are plenty of marketers who downplay the role keyword research plays in terms of crafting content, boosting traffic and improving conversions these days, it’s important to understand that it still reigns supreme even after all the updates released by Google.
(One of these major Google updates: Google Hummbingbird, is changing how we look at the ‘keyword game’. Instead, we’re looking for answer-box query opportunities… with search context and user intent in focus. It’s obvious: “display the best search result to a query, but also the one that searchers click + engage with”).
Google Hummingbird Infographic – Courtesy
The thing is, most marketers do not know how to do keyword research the right way.
If what you do when researching for keywords is entering a seed term in Google’s Adwords Keyword Planner, downloading the results and then sorting the list in a spreadsheet, then you are definitely missing out on a ton of opportunities. (However, it’s a starting point).
This same method is being done by countless other marketers every single day.
Sure, you might discover a hidden gem, but why limit yourself? If you have an authoritative domain (research domains via keywords too), then this shouldn’t be an issue for you.
But if you’re still working your way up, then you want to uncover keywords that few others will target, and still have good conversion chances.
Lower competition means higher chances of ranking on top of the search results, and if the messaging (copy) and call-to-action is done right, you’ll boost your bottom-line too.
Your first order of business is to change your perception about Google’s Keyword Planner. (NOTE: The Google kw research tool is found inside the Adwords product. It’s geared towards paid search (PPC), and leaves many SEO and long tail terms ‘hidden’).
It’s not the only avenue through which you can research keywords for your content creation strategy. Read on and discover other places where you can find highly targeted keywords to boost the traffic and revenue of your online business.
7 Ingenious Keyword Research Techniques To Drive Traffic & Increase Revenue
Anthony Green: coaching & training over skype at $1,000 an hour
Countless people are willing to shell out money to get high quality training courses.
Skillshare and Udemy are just two sites that offer online courses for students.
This particular market is interesting in that you can guarantee that they eager to spend money in exchange for quality education.
Creating content that attracts students can prove to be very profitable for your site.
The first step is to find out the top courses in the category under which your niche falls.
Udemy works particularly well here for two reasons: first, their training courses are created by experts, which means they already have a working understanding of the language used by the target audience; second, the courses can be sorted by popularity, making it very easy to find the most taken courses.
You can narrow down results by picking a sub-category.
Afterward, sort the courses by popularity. You’ll see filtering options on the left of the screen.
In the “level” filtering option, choose the appropriate audience. So if you’re creating content for beginners, then be sure to tick the “beginners” option.
You’ll then be presented with a list of courses related to your niche. What you want to do is read through the course descriptions and find keywords that have great potential.
As mentioned, these are written by experts, so they probably know what they’re talking about. Use their knowledge and incorporate the keywords and further strategy they use in your own content and educational materials.
2. Question and Answer Sites
What are the best kinds of keywords? Obviously, those that come directly from your readers. It’s now easier than ever to find these keywords. Through the help of some third party tools, you can find keyword ideas based on content found in question and answer sites.
Faqfox is one tool to consider within your online marketing toolkit. It scrapes threads from different forums and aggregators based on the keyword you enter. You can even add a specific forum. Use it as an aggregation tool.
After clicking the search button, you’ll be presented with a list of thread titles. You can find full questions that were asked by your target audience. This gives you incredible insight about what they’re looking for.
You can also scrape popular forums in your niche. As you know, people go to forums to discuss a certain subject. You can gather thread titles and enter them in a keyword density tool.
What this does is it allows you to see the most commonly used terms by your target audience. This might not initially seem that helpful, but knowing whether your audience uses the word “best” instead of “top” can mean a wealth of difference.
3. Competitors’ Websites
Who says you can’t steal keywords used by your competitors?
This one is a bit trickier than the previous two methods, but if you know how to do it correctly, you can gain a significant advantage over your competition.
There’s a good chance you’ve experienced searching for a particular keyword and seeing one result that shouldn’t be there (both in SEO, PPC and Local search). In many cases, authoritative domains rank for keywords for which their content isn’t really optimized. Their authority and trust factors simply push them to the top of the first page.
You can take advantage of this opportunity by using Google’s Keyword Planner. If you’ve never used the space where it says “your landing page” before, now is a great time to do so. Enter the URL of your competitor’s website. It’s up to you whether you enter the root domain or a URL of a specific page.
Upon hitting “Get Ideas,” you will get hundreds of keywords related to the site.
You’ll see the grouped results (the default display) in the area below the monthly search volume trends. This can also be displayed as a list of “keyword ideas”. (Note: the grouped options are helpful if you are creating an Adwords campaign).
In most cases, you’ll see keywords which you wouldn’t get if you simply entered a seed keyword in the text box. The next step is to plug the keyword list into a rank tracker. Your goal is to find keywords for which your competitor’s website ranks. Ideally, for your own projects, you want those that rank either in page one or two of the search results. You’ll should begin to collect and compare data between the GKT (Google Keyword Tool), GA (Google Analytics) and the GSC (Google Search Console). While Google Analytics doesn’t reveal all the natural keywords anymore, you can infer patterns of usage and certainly narrow down what pages (content drilldown) need more help to rank and drive conversions.
4. Twitter Chats
A lot of marketers use Twitter to reach their target audience, but only a handful know how to use it to generate targeted keywords for their business.
The hashtag is a powerful tool that lets you in the conversation of your potential customers.
By reading Twitter chats, you can learn what your audience likes to talk about. You can then glean relevant keywords which you can use when crafting content.
These tools basically work in the same manner: You enter a hashtag and it returns Twitter chats that contain the hashtag you used.
Search for popular and niche hashtags for keyword research
The problem is that the results you see are usually not useful. What you really want to do is participate in the Twitter chats. This can be done by staying updated about the schedule of the chats. Twubs and Tweetreports are two places where you can find schedules of Twitter chats relevant to your business. – #searchengineoptimization hash tag analytics
Once you’re in the conversation, be sure to jot down the questions raised by other participants. Also be on the lookout for commonly used terms, as they can be a difference maker when it’s time to write your content.
NOTE: many of these tools require you to authenticate your Twitter account. It’s a usual and expected practice these days.
5. YouTube
Many marketers forget that YouTube is the second largest search engine, trailing only its parent company Google. Millions of people use YouTube to watch videos not only for entertainment purposes, but to educate themselves about certain topics.
You can use a tool like to get a full picture of many destinations online, including YouTube.
This tool can be useful for writing traditional text, it’s not just about ‘streaming media’. You might even find keywords that the Keyword Planner wouldn’t show you.
Aside from the YouTube keyword tool, you can also utilize the auto complete function of the search box.
Simply enter a keyword and see the related keywords that show up under it. This can prove to be a goldmine as the keywords are already sorted by popularity.
And while you’re at it, you might also want to look at the comments and see what people are talking about.
YouTube comments often have both positive and negative comments, but you can find a few gems here and there if you know where to look. Plus, you’ll learn what videos seem to work better than others based on the feedback.
Aside from selecting what products to sell and getting your affiliate links, it is important to utilize the power of Amazon in terms of helping you craft the best product reviews and research what others have written. Take note that this method also works even if you’re not an Amazon affiliate.
Amazon reviews: a niche keyword research and feedback treasure
In some cases, writing product reviews can prove to be too difficult. This is particularly true if you have no firsthand experience of using the product (and you shouldn’t lie!).
If all you include in your review are the same things such as product descriptions and features, then you are not really offering anything of value to your readers.
The secret to writing excellent product reviews is answering the questions of buyers.
Where can you find these questions? On Amazon, of course.
Many do not notice that product pages on Amazon have a dedicated question and answer section. This is where customers can ask questions about the product before they make a purchase.
It’s safe to assume that these questions are also typed in search engines. By providing the answers to these questions, you can build trust among your readers, thus compelling them to purchase through your referral links.
All while you gather further keyword research data that you can embed in your own site(s).
7. Keyword Tools
There are several keyword tools out there. Google’s Keyword Planner is the most popular since it’s free and most of the tools on the market extract data from it. It’s important to understand that each tool comes with its own limitations. This is why it’s a must to utilize multiple keyword tools to get the most comprehensive and relevant keyword list for your online business.
One way to get a lot of long-tail keyphrases is to use Ubersuggest.
Here’s an example of first level results from ‘search engine marketing’: – long tail keyword research
Basically, this tool works by adding a letter or a number to your keyword.
It uses the auto complete suggestions from Google and records all results for you. You can then download the list and plug them into Keyword Planner or another tool of your choice.
There are more places in which you can discover highly targeted keywords.
With a little bit of creativity and common sense, you can surely find the best keywords for your online business, allowing you to craft the perfect content and optimize your campaigns to ultimately increase revenue.
Have you looked into ‘regular’ magazines? Most keyword research happens online, but stroll down to your local library or bookstore, and pick out some magazines for your market. You’ll get more ideas from ‘offline’, and that may include some great headlines for your pages.
Recently, I witnessed a conversation about content promotion.
The person surmised that content that is published on your website really does not need to be promoted.
Now you’re probably thinking two things:
I thought this post was about SEO and changing on-site/on-page factors for the next 5 years?
Dude, that’s incorrect – content promotion has nothing to do with SEO!
Wait… let’s continue…
While I don’t totally agree with the person, the shift in thinking here is profound and begs you to look at this in a NEW (and better) way.
You begin with the end in mind. (I’m using content as the example because it applies to SEO / search engines…and as you’ll see).
Instead of creating content pages YOU find valuable and sharing them by narrow and flimsy keyword-only research…
…do this instead:
Flip your new content and product strategy on its head. Begin at the very end: What does your prospects and customers actually want & need?
This turns out to be a perfect model for your upcoming SEO projects.
Here is the implication and opportunity for future SEO on-site work (A current and forward thinking change in your SEO habits):
For SEO and search engines, that means focusing on the searcher outputs, not the ranking inputs.
Take a look at the left and right side of this SEO on-site infographic:
INFOGRAPHIC: SEO Onsite Changes – 5 Year Prognosis – SEO in 2021 – thanks to @moz for the inspiration!
Left Brain, Right Brain – What Wins The SEO Game Of The Future?
The left side of the chart focuses on the (onsite) technical aspects and common SEO practices done today, like keyword research and search friendliness.
The right side depicts upcoming and additive changes to this approach. It targets user behavior, tracks click patterns and aims to connect search results directly with user experience, satisfaction and loyalty.
Share this Image On Your Site
Please include attribution to with this graphic.
(Note to self: promotion, marketing, advertising – it’s all about getting your message seen by more eyeballs in your targeted market. No matter the vehicle, do what you can to get your content out there, using email outreach, guest blogging, and paid advertising of your posts via Facebook, Twitter or Google. Test what works and build on that, delivering quality.)
The SEO On-Site Rules Are Changing
As you develop your content, sites, apps and products, focus on your perfect customers and prospects. Serve them with excellence in product, service and customer experience delivery.
The results of this quality work will be natural content and brand consumption with more automatic deliveries of a result to a task (what the searcher is looking for).
The content will be shared. It will spread…naturally.
No Content Promotion Needed?
Content marketing becomes a secondary focus, and your team is focused on “fully serving” the company customers and providing a total magnification of killer content.
This is truly illuminating, since we all want this: a perfect customer experience, from the first touch or connection, through the experience itself and for the future.
What Do Search Engines (Really) Want?
This model of “user life-cycle quality values” is EXACTLY what the search engines want, and in specific Google.
“Serve your visitor with quality answers to questions that they are looking for”.
(Read: It’s about “them”, not “you”.)
Your on-site work therefore becomes the simplest SEO rule of them all:
“Create and show your searchers that you can help them…by actually helping them.” (Surprise: This is the “create exceptional content” framework everybody talks about!)
The searcher will stay longer on your page(s), interact with your site / apps, click on well planned links, consume, save-and-print content, download essential information, fill out forms, call your office to set an appointment, share/refer content with others and bookmark your page for future visits.
If this is what Google wants, we can agree that this is the future of SEO.
Oh, and … keywords, themeing, links, mobile friendliness, speed of loading (pages), structure/navigation, layout, graphics will continue to be important.
As we look forward to the next 5 years (SEO in 2021), here are top level on-site SEO directions you should consider now:
Rankings will lower in importance (The SERPs are changing already, and screen real-estate is shrinking for organic search results, due to knowledge graph, answer box (featured snippets), local, news, videos, expanded paid ads and more):
It’s about user experience and user intent – a user centered approach
Customer avatars and segmentation of pages to consumer
Search experience optimization
Search engines for people and software (not the other way around)
Voice based search, local search & mobile — front and center
Importance of a functional website for Small Business (SMB)
So the question becomes how to drive traffic to it, particularly without the marketing budget of a bigger company.
When it comes to your website, the quote is not “if you build it, they will come,” but rather “if you build it well, create valuable content and have a successful promotion strategy, then they might come.”
“SMB is an abbreviation for small and medium-sized business”
Here are FIVE WAYS to increase the number of visitors to your local or national website:
1. Consistent Content
Simply building a website is not enough; you need to give people a reason to visit the site and to keep coming back.
A survey by HubSpot found that 82 percent of companies that blogged once a day not only increased their site traffic, but were also able to convert that traffic into customers.
Likewise, when Entrepreneur Magazine increased its blog posts from twice a week to over 10 per week, its website traffic increased 300 percent over two months.
Convirza started publishing three blogs every weekday and saw a 210 percent increase in web traffic, which resulted in more new customers than any other three month period in company history.
You don’t need to add content multiple times a day or even every day to see results.
Posting consistent content that visitors can rely on is key.
Consistent updates to your website can also increase your search engine ranking by indicating to Google that the site is informative and relevant.
Its blog has articles written by outside cloud experts, business analysts and business owners.
Not only does this bring new perspectives on relevant content, but guest bloggers are likely to share and link to their articles, which directs new traffic to your website.
TIP: Learn more about Guest Blogging and other essential SEO tips.
TIP: Consider a strategic, helpful outreach program via Twitter and email marketing. (no spam!)
4. Link to Content
While you’re at it, post links to the content on your website on your social media pages.
LinkedIn has become a popular platform for finding industry-specific articles, so posting regular content on that forum can increase your website visitors and raise your profile within your industry.
Other social media sites like Facebook and Twitter work hand-in-hand with your website.
The more interesting content you post to those platforms, the more your social media presence grows.
The bigger your social media presence, the more you are able to direct new visitors to your website. Search engines tend to follow in time.
In this post, I’ll show you how to instantly check your brand value as seen by users and search engines (Google) online.
First, you should understand current digital trends and current state of brand positioning challenges for online businesses. (And, to learn about SEO reputation management and how to protect your brand, read here).
Second, follow these simple steps and watch the video to help lift the brand value of your website and online business.
You’ll find yourself not only ranking higher, but also get and provide more value.
You’ll likely double your brand value as seen by prospects and customers.
GRAPHIC: Traditional brand positioning steps / frameworks
Imagine this scenario:
You search Google on your mobile device.
The results for your search show up, and you touch a link that appears to meet your needs.
Since we are assuming a mobile display, you quickly get annoyed by the page you found. (The page might look OK on a desktop, but we’re not talking about that here).
Mobile results need maximum attention in 2016 (Google example)
The page you’re looking at:
has text that is too small
show links are tiny and unreadable (or worse, not clickable)
forces you to to scroll sideways to see all the content
displays links too close together, sometimes overlapping
mobile screen view is incorrect
Frustrating, right?
Not something your brand should be associated with. Neither do the search engines. Google has stated that ‘mobile’ is a ranking factor now.
TIP: Don’t work solely on desktop versions (“horizontal screens”) of your brand website, but make sure you are friendly to “vertical screens” also.
You should check your entire site, and work with your developers to ensure compability. If you have set up Google Search Console, you can login and check further here. Make sure you have the associated Google mail/account to get access. Talk with your SEO provider or webmaster.
To understand the background and a full walk through of the mobile branding opportunities that you are missing right now, watch this video: (“How To Get Real Business From The Internet”).
Everyone knows the importance of getting attention online. And, the total value of being easily found and staying visible online.
Traffic is great, but if you can’t make any of it convert, then all those visitors are wasted.
Attention spans are shorter than ever and while the exact amount of time varies from one study to another, generally speaking they all agree that you have less than 10 seconds to grab a hold of a web surfer’s attention before you lose it forever.
Every single day and week you end up surfing the web, scanning magazines while waiting in line, or reading news stories that you really weren’t that interested in.
How did you get sidetracked? 🙂
The first step was almost guaranteed to be a powerful, insulting, gripping, or otherwise impossible to ignore headline. (References to linkbait / clickbait in SEO circles).
Headlines are powerful, and learning to write outstanding ones for every single article or blog post online can quickly transform your business because of the increased attention.
These 10 tools help you learn to create attention, intrigue, and everything your headline needs to go from failing to fabulous.
#1: Online Title & Headline Generators
Online title generators and online headline generators are very useful tools that can help at every stage of creating a great headline from brainstorming ideas to looking for that extra word or little adjustment that changes the entire effectiveness of those all-important first words.
A title generator can use a few keywords to develop a lot of great titles based on proven formats that have worked in the past, and can help with brainstorming the various options you have.
Many of these tools will have dozens if not hundreds of pre-programmed headlines that use a basic template such as:
– 10 ways (KEYWORD) can change your life
– Master (KEYWORD) or else
– (KEYWORD): What you need to know right now!
These tools won’t give you that one in a thousand headline that becomes famous due to being completely unique and different, but it can help break up writer’s block or at least create a solid title from a proven formula.
Most marketers have one or two of these tools they use as their go-to for headline creation.
Using different measurements to see how active your opening headline is, how many action words are used, and by looking at the parts that make up a great conventional title you can see how your current headline measures up.
Questions to ask:
Is it emotional?
Is it action oriented?
Is it eye-catching or tired and too vague?
This tool isn’t there to create new headlines, but it can help you tackle the full list you’ve come up with and see how they measure up against one another and what potential problems might be recurring with what you are writing.
This is good guidance for the editing process.
#3: Your Bookmarks Tab
This seems strange, perhaps.
But one of the best possible free tools that can help you learn to be an amazing headline writer is your bookmarks tab.
When you’re surfing the web and see a story that just grabs you, an advertisement that makes you click, or a sales letter that forces you to click and see what’s being sold, save that in one of your folders. (TIP: Install the evernote plugin in your bookmarks and save)
Creating a bookmark folder just for these types of headlines will give you a great resource to see what makes even seasoned marketers click through.
The longer you collect these bookmarks, the better the resource gets.
Learning to take a look at magazine covers (especially magazines like “The National Inquirer” or “Cosmo”) and see how they pitch sensationalism will also show you how to get attention with a few basic words. These folks are paid high dollars to capture your attention. Leverage that!
#4: Copywriting Courses
Copywriting courses (Awai Online for B2B) are a great way to learn this specific type of sales writing and to create the type of headlines that are necessary to create the perfect introduction to the fully formed sales letter to follow.
Every major sales letter writer and marketer understands the importance of those opening words and no serious course will skip a section about crafting effective and powerful headlines that will force readers to click through and see what else you have to offer.
Two things to remember when looking at any copywriting courses:
– All serious copywriting courses will include sections on writing the best headlines
– Look for courses by renowned & experienced sales writers (awaionline)
Obviously you can trust a course from a renowned copywriter or from someone who has made letters that have sold millions in product.
This is one of those cases where you only want to learn from those who have proven they truly know their stuff!
#5: Fiction Courses
This might be counter-intuitive, especially to people who don’t see the initial connection, but the absolute best headlines tend to be creative, use vivid language, and paint a picture.
Whether online, in a community workshop, or at a University, taking classes in fiction writing can help copywriters learn to think differently.
Using words in creative ways will open up the options when writing headlines and give these writers a leg up on writers who are stuck in a small contained box.
Learn to embrace the skills that fiction writing bring you!
#6: The Optimizely Tool
This cutely named tool focuses on optimization of the headline (or headlines) you are trying to decide between.
Reportedly Bleacher Report, NBC Universal, and Microsoft all use this tool to increase their page views and click through rates.
The tool then figures out what type of titles are working, which ones get more clicks from people who visit, and what can be done to make even more effective headlines in the future.
This is a great tool for fully optimizing all of your titles and headlines on any given page or website.
#7: Taboola Newsroom
Taboola Newsroom is a tool that’s only available to people in the Taboola network, but it’s a tool worth looking at if you have access.
This not only looks at optimizing headlines but also the recommendations, thumbnail pictures, and other important factors that can also result in higher open rates and a larger number of visitors per story.
This takes the analyzing of good established headlines to another level.
#8: Qualaroo Tool
Qualaroo is a survey tool that will help an intelligent writer take their titles to the next level.
After a person visits or takes an action, those who agree to take the survey will be able to give information about what caught their attention, why they clicked, and what would make them come back for more.
In other words, while a headline’s job is to get attention from as many potential visitors as possible, Qualaroo can answer the all important question of “Why did the headline work?”
Hear from the very mouths of your customers what is working and what isn’t.
That type of direct information can lead to some serious quality writing by building off positive traits you are 100% sure works.
#9: Copywriting & Headline Writing Cheat Sheets
Who doesn’t like the occasional great cheat sheet?
Are you going to go with a list article, a serious help article, or an article threatening scarcity?
Depending on which way you go, you’ll want a different headline and a great cheat sheet will be able to provide just that.
#10: Emotional Headline Analyzer
An emotional headline analyzer is an important tool that scans any given headline and in this case it’s looking to measure the emotional impact that your words will likely have on any interested potential readers.
Will they be happy or irritated – or does the vagueness of the headline being checked out be too much to get any type of an emotional response?
This tool can help give you an idea of what’s going right or what exactly it is that might be missing.
In Conclusion
No one said online marketing and headline writing is easy.
It’s simple, but it takes work.
We know great headlines attracts – and can lead to more visits, more clicks, better results.
By using some, or all, of the ten tools and strategies mentioned throughout this article you will be churning out the type of headlines that create impact.
Don’t settle for second rate output when these tools can help you master the art of creating winning headlines that will get the results you need every single time!
It is also the largest video hosting sites on the internet today with more than 100 hours worth of videos uploaded every minute, daily.
Billions of people log on to YouTube to watch videos or upload fresh content.
This has made it one of the largest sources of traffic online.
Companies, marketers, and entrepreneurs use YouTube to market their products and brands thanks to the massive amounts of traffic coming to and from the site.
Dynamic Marketing Platform
With video marketing gaining popularity among marketers, users have to compete for rankings and traffic on the site.
Without proper marketing methods, other videos would choke up your video uploads thus making it almost impossible for your target audience to see them.
If handled properly, these videos can be an excellent source of traffic to your website thus leading to higher returns on investment (ROI).
Advertising Options
Advertising via YouTube is reasonably much cheaper than other advertisement options (such as Adwords PPC and television ads) hence a great channel to optimize and cut advertising business expenditure when leveraged correctly.
Social Media Website Integration
Integrating YouTube with social media and the company website is relatively easy. This is mainly because YouTube offers incredible integration tools that not only facilitate proper integration but also support content marketing as well.
All one needs to do is ensure his/her videos and channels are properly optimized to attract audiences and its search engine crawlers.
Outlined below are a top ways on how to optimize video content for search engines.
How to Optimize YouTube Videos for Search Engines (Google).
1. File Naming
As part of YouTube optimization, proper keyword research on how to name files before uploading them to YouTube is beneficial.
Proper file naming not only makes the clip searchable but also makes it easier when indexing for relevancy. The file name and uploaded video title should match as closely as possible.
For longer file-names, you can separate each word with a hyphen. So instead of ‘LSCP0012.mp4’, you should (re)name it by the topic, for example: “local-seo-tips-video.mp4”.
Having your target audience in mind when naming a file, or creating a title for the same increases its chances on YouTube and other search engines as well.
2. Keyword Usage
Search engines depend on keywords to distinguish relevant content from irrelevant ones when displaying search results.
These keywords are commonly used as pointers detailing what the video file is all about, hence, should be researched and used properly.
For the best results, it would be a wise idea to research and identify keywords to use, and matching your niche.
If you have no idea on how to use keywords or determine higher converting keywords, you can then make use of Ubersuggest (The old YouTube Keyword tool was replaced in 2014).
Select the video option from the pull-down box, and find relevant keyword suggestions for “videos”. Here, we see an example of “local seo tips” and related terms. (TIP: Install the keyword chrome extension to get search volume and CPC data).
YouTube keyword (videos) tool –
There are other tools you can use as well for your video keyword research:
YouTube ‘auto-suggest’ (type directly into YouTube search to see suggestions)
Google Keywords – Display Planner option (select “video” from the filter option) – search keywords directly (select “YouTube” option to filter)
YouTube’s own keyword research (suggest) feature – “local seo tips” example
Be sure to use desired or targeted keywords in the video title and description to increase its visibility online.
3. Optimize Video Titles
YouTube video titles should contain up to approximately 55 characters. (organic results)
The best way to optimize video titles is by including relevant keywords. This not online increases the clip’s visibility on YouTube search engines, but to the World Wide Web as well.
YouTube character count (length) in the TITLE (for organic search results)
The title also needs to be engaging and giving the audient an idea of what the clip is all about.
While properly used keywords attract search engine crawlers, an intriguing title attracts target audience thus increasing traffic to the video clip.
Like many other search engines, YouTube search engine ranks videos based on the number of views/visitors among other factors.
4. Use Video Descriptions
A video description provides the audience with an idea of what the clip is about. When a user enters a search on YouTube, the engine gives him/her a long list of hits to choose from.
It is through the video title and description that an audience can learn what each file is about – hence going for, and selecting the right one.
Every video clip you upload on YouTube should therefore have a short description. The snippet result will show in organic results. When viewing in full video mode, about 160 characters is recommended.
Any website link should be added first. That’s before entering the description. It will encourage a link click back to your main site if they want to learn more.
Be sure to weave in relevant keywords in the description as well.
5. Respect Tags and Categories
Each video clip you upload on YouTube should belong in one of several other categories.
Ensure you have selected the right/relevant channel before hitting the upload button.
Some of these categories include:
autos and vehicles
how-to and style
pets and animals
people and blogs
travel and sports among others
Choosing the right channel/category for your video increases its probability to be seen.
Tags, on the other hand, help identify the video clip from various categories. Tagging the video with keywords is an excellent way of optimizing YouTube videos.
6. Make use of Video Annotations
YouTube Annotations present a new and exciting way of adding related notes, speech bubbles, title or spotlight on an already playing video clip.
This helps deliver the desired message to the target audience without disrupting or dividing their attention. Video annotations provide an excellent way of optimizing conversions through the video.
This is because they can be used for call-to-action messages and prompts, and to introduce other brands or products one might have.
While most companies do not use video annotations in video marketing, those who use it have recorded higher traffic and returns on investment than before.
It would therefore be advisable to use/add annotations to give the viewer tips and insights on a new product or brand.
7. Create a playlist
Although YouTube playlists have been around for a while; very few people know how to make the most out of them.
“A playlist is a collection of videos. Anybody can make playlists and share them.” – YouTube
YouTube playlist comes in handy for channel administrators with a bunch of YouTube videos to promote.
Creating a playlist makes it easier to add new videos to the list, as well as allow followers and audiences to subscribe to your channel.
The best thing about using playlists is that subscribers are notified as soon as a new video is added to your playlist.
In addition to this, search engines index playlists much faster than they do single video clips.
8. Create a YouTube channel
Creating a YouTube channel provides a search and user friendly way of accessing, interacting and sharing content with your target audience.
You however should be a little more creative to make the channel unique and to your preferences. Users can use YouTube channels to highlight other videos and channels they might have online.
This works in an almost similar way as content marketing where your target audiences get what they need in one bucket.
Another key benefit of using YouTube channels is that it gives audiences easily the privilege to share your content to their blogs or profiles.
This again amplifies visibility especially when these audiences share the content through social networking platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.
9. Allow sharing on social media
Social networking sites provide some of the best sources of traffic that can significantly boost your visibility online.
Enabling users to share your videos via all social and professional networking platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram or LinkedIn not online increases visibility, but also boosts conversions as well.
This is especially important for people or marketers promoting new products or brands online.
Social networking sites receive billions of unique users every day – tapping into these numbers increases visibility and rankings by other search engines on the web. Your video may be found on these other prominent sites.
Sharing is caring
You can also place URLs on your social profiles for easier sharing.
Allowing users to share the video clips to their profiles also increases visibility hence should be encouraged.
Video Captions
Captions also prove a great way for marketers and users to enable search engines to understand video content.
While captions are mostly used for physically challenged persons (especially the deaf), they allow search engine crawlers to read or even index the video content. Google, Bing, Yahoo and YouTube search engines use crawlers to determine the best content to display in the results page.
Integrating captions within your video clips is therefore a clever way of increasing video content visibility on the entire World Wide Web.
Regular Updates, Fresh Content
Just as it is with other content optimization and marketing mechanisms, it would be advisable to post/upload fresh and high-quality content on your YouTube channels.
Plus, video quality today is much better than it was three years ago and keeps getting better by the day.
While HD content is widely appreciated, ensure it is lightweight and easy to load even on slow networks or portable devices (mobile). People have grown impatient over time and will only give a video clip less than 6 seconds to load before hitting the escape or back button.
As long as the quality is good: interesting, fun, educational and informative, you should attract more views and shares. That will lead to increasing visibility and ranks by other search engines too.
If you haven’t been optimizing YouTube videos for audience and search engines, you are missing out big on traffic and possible returns.
Optimizing YouTube videos is relatively easy and doesn’t consume much time either.
Learn more about:
how to optimize youtube videos
optimize video for youtube
optimize youtube video
optimizing youtube videos
video search engines
video search engine
reverse video search
top video search engines
reverse video search engine
google video search
Is it stuff that you would line the virtual parakeets cage with or is it something that is going to make a difference?
While it is important to have a website that is updated regularly, it is more important to put out 4 killer posts a year than 365 pieces of mindless dribble.
Use your social media account to toss out tidbits and hints to your audience. However, leave your website for the content with teeth and fangs.
This is the content that will be shared and linked to over and over again. It is the content that makes amateur bloggers into masters of their domain!
4) Become An Online “Bum”
Early in your online career, you are going to have to get use to sleeping on the couches of many other websites.
It is an opportunity to get the exposure you need and to build your own site.
You do this through guest posting and while it may seem like everyone and their Nana are doing it, it is still a viable option.
However, you need to be selective with the sites you plan to post on.
Choose only high authority sites that are going to help your name become more famous. For these sites, you will want to create content that is incredible.
While it seems like a step backward in creating such good content for other sites, it is a small price to pay for authority.
5) Choose A Professional Design
While your mom may love that free theme you are using, it is not going to fly with an online audience.
They expect you to be an authority and a professional. There are many professional themes available online.
A few hundred dollars (or less) to start. That is a reasonable price to pay to be seen as an authority. You can build from there. They key is this: Start Simple.
However, if you are looking for a way to step things up a notch, hire a professional web designer. Consider getting professionally developed sites added to your portfolio.
In order to be seen as an authority, you have to brand yourselves so people will take notice.
While using a premium theme is a step up, it is still a theme thousands of other online professionals are using. Search engines see this as a “footprint” too.
Hire a designer and come up with a plan that is going to help set your site apart from all the millions of sites that are online.
Choose to make your site unique and professional look for your niche or field of expertise. Add tools and content. Ask this question: What is my audience asking about? Then proceed to answer those questions. TIP: Write an e-book and give it away!
6) Your Own Property Online
Just like there is an importance of having a real theme so is the same as having a professional domain and hosting account. And, don’t use me @ gmail or yahoo, or worse, That just lacks professionalism.
While it is fine to start out with WordPress, Tumblr or Medium, you have to grow up and play with the big boys at some point. A domain is going to set you back about $10 for the year while hosting is about $4 a month.
People will not see you as an authority if your site is owned by another company.
Again it is all about perception online and how you want people to see you. By building a site on someone else’s platform, you are only building links and authority to their site, which they do not need.
Celebrity Maker Clint Arthur started simple. You can too.
Take the time to get your own professional URL and build all of your links to that site.
7) Promote Yourself – Not Affiliate Products
At this stage of the game, the only thing you should be promoting is yourself. There should be no ads or affiliate links in your content.
Let people know who you are and what you stand for before you start selling.
In fact, there should not even think about promoting products until you have a large following. Or at minimum, a passionate list of followers that you regularly engage with.
If you know a good product, let people know, just don’t link to it with an affiliate link. Again, this may seem counterproductive to you, but it will help your authority.
People will see that you are simply not another marketer looking to make a quick buck off them.
The best way to start promoting yourself to an audience is through social media and blog commenting.
Direct outreach is a good way to go too – assuming you have quality things to share, and don’t spam.
Look for questions that you can answer thoughtfully. Once again it is not about spamming your website all over the Internet.
It is about giving people helpful information that they can use to solve a problem or create a better life.
By not promoting products early on and choosing to help people you are setting the stage to become the ultimate authority in your niche.
How to become an authority/celebrity online:
That is all there is to becoming an authority.
Don’t you wish it could be that easy in real life?
These steps can be performed in any order that you see fit.
If it does not apply to you, simply skip over it and make your way to awesomeness even faster. The one thing to remember is you are not going to be an overnight authority, it does take time and persistence to do so.
Implement just one step or all 7 and you will be on the way of becoming an authority in the eyes of your audience.
Need a branding and content marketing authority boost? See below:
Content creation is one of those realities a blogger and marketer has to engage with and appreciate when hoping to gain natural, organic traffic – and for the long term.
It is not going to happen overnight and this is a given. However, with a little bit of care and patience, the results will start rolling in.
Let’s take a glance at 15 specific ways experts state content creation will lead to increased traffic numbers. Why not make the most of these ways to get better results?
(IMPORTANT: Before you begin, always research, develop your initial strategy and plan for the best quality content you can provide. Content and topics that create emotion, content that engages, entertains and informs are keys to “share-ability”. The love you’ll get back from your readers…and eventually search engines, creates new and ongoing organic traffic streams for your business).
( – Content Marketing Strategy Pyramid)
1 – The Virality Of Memes
Memes are one of the most powerful options a person can have when it comes to driving natural traffic.
It is easy to read and fun for those who are just looking to relax and get a generalized view of what is being put in front of them. Memes have done the trick for the past few years because they have the ability to go ‘viral’.
There are entire blogs that have put up one meme and that was all they needed to get millions of new people on board.
Now, this is, of course, the dream.
That does not always happen. However, the goal should be to mix things up and that is what content creation is all about.
It does not just have to be a wall of text that is tossed at prospective traffic. Memes will do a lot, especially when combined with social media to create something truly powerful.
2- Videos & Streaming Data
Who doesn’t like the idea of being able to sit down and take a glance at some of the videos that are being put up in their niche?
From Ericsson Mobility Video Report
There are times when you might even take a look at what a competitor has published and just love what they have done (ideas!). Videos are great because once again content creation does not, and should not have to be about text only.
It is all about moving forward and getting with the times, people!
This is where creating short videos will help a lot in conveying a message and getting people to come onto your site as desired. It is not as tough as one might assume and can go a long way.
Educational, informative and fun. Think about edutainment.
It is essential to understand with this way natural traffic is only going to come based on their first impression. If you optimize YouTube videos correctly, you’ll rank those also.
This means, the video better be spot on especially in the first few seconds. Don’t rush through this part of the process and make a good video first.
3 – Infographics Yield Quality
There are many prospective visitors who are going to want quality information being provided to them especially in niches where information is hard to locate.
When you are able to give this to them, they will race in and keep coming back repeatedly. Quality does matter and that is where infographics come into action.
They are able to list down a lot of information without going off on a tangent.
Content creation is all about taking information and presenting it in a unique and ‘cool’ manner. – infographics create tool – free to start
Well, there is nothing more exciting and modern than a great infographic. Take your time with this as it is going to yield fascinating results as it has for numerous people online in the past.
There are specific blogger tools, which tend to get ignored when it comes to generating natural traffic and this is unfortunate. – Curation, ideas and community
Make the most of these tools in order to get going down the right path.
If you are looking to focus on content creation, you are going to adore the power being provided by ‘Scoop.It’.
This is one of the most powerful content curation tools in the world and is going to help you out immediately. What does it help you with?
It is going to pinpoint all of the best topics, articles, and general content in your niche. It does not get better than this when you want to get a gist of what is taking place in your world.
You should also research topics, and contribute via the “Suggest” button. Editor will review your content, and approve based on merit and quality. It’s an authority domain, which is exactly what we want. (Even though the platform uses “nofollow” links, you’ll get traffic).
5 – Reviews And Building Trust
Natural traffic tends to come in bursts, but there is one thing that is going to help provide you with sustained results.
This is going to come in the form of product reviews and/or reviews in general. If you are able to give people a real in-depth look into something in their niche, they are going to lap it up.
Chaosmap Local Review Tool for SEO & Small Business
They will keep coming back especially if you have taken the time to give them meaningful information rather than just hoping to sell.
Don’t lie to them when it comes to this type of content. You want to make sure it is up to par and is going to provide them with real value.
When you do this, you will notice how natural traffic numbers go through the roof in a hurry.
6 – Opinion Posts
There are certain visitors who are going to want opinion posts in order to gauge what is happening in the niche.
Let’s suppose the niche is about skin care and makeup and they want to learn more about recent advances made with anti-aging products.
If you are able to give your opinion on the matter and what direction the industry is going in, you will start to see people respect you more and more.
This is when content creation starts to build expertise and power.
You want this sort of authority as natural traffic will race in on a regular basis. You will adore the numbers that you are doing with regards to the traffic when you put up opinion posts.
You want people to converse and debate.
This is when you gain even more.
7 – Using Storify To Gain Results
Another blogger tool that has been available on the market for a long time would have to come in the form of ‘Storify’.
This is a powerful tool on its own and is going to do a lot for those who want to get started down the right path with regards to content creation.
The purpose of this tool is to make sure everything that is being put on social media sites will be presented to you on a platter.
It does not get better than this for those who want to be ‘in the know’.
8 – Building Lists
Who doesn’t love the idea of being able to sift through lists and get a feel for what the market is telling them?
Why not just put together a couple of lists and present them to prospective visitors? They are going to love what is being written down and that is what you want the most.
Why “Top ___” lists?
They are easy to read and they are even easier to make as well. This is what you are going to enjoy about the process in the first place.
Content creation does not have to be impossible. It is easy and when you start to put in a few images/videos as well with these lists, you are going to get great results.
When you include authors and companies that helped build the list, make sure to use their “@” reference and share on Twitter. They tend to share it back out to their community if it’s good and helpful. More traffic for you.
9 – “How-To” Posts Attract Attention
Sticking along the lines of lists, you should also be taking a look at ‘how to’ posts because they are going to attract a lot of people as well in the niche.
If you are in a niche where you can explain things to people in steps, you are going to want to put a few of these together as soon as possible.
You will notice people are going to want to see what you have to say and how you are doing things.
This has done the trick in many niches especially building related ones.
10 – The Power Of Curata
Let’s move onto the next blogger tool that can be listed as a ‘way’ with regards to getting natural traffic.
How is this going to help you out?
Curata is one of the most advanced tools in the market and has done wonders for those who have taken the time to learn how to use it. – content marketing scale
The purpose of this tool is to find content based on specific filters you are putting in. The content you are going to get will be absolutely precise to your expectations and that is hard to beat.
You are just not going to be able to find this type of content even if you spent years doing it on your own.
The formula is able to sift through all of these details for you.
11 – Using Case Studies To Woo Traffic
Have you gone through a specific process in the past?
How did it work for you?
Why not give people a little case study with regards to your own experiences?
This will help them get a feel for what worked and what didn’t. This could be related to anything even something as simple as skin care.
You want to give them a real look into what you have done. Don’t just rush this and make sure you are as detailed as you can be.
Content creation is all about being unique and this is what you do with case studies. No one will be able to copy you in this regard.
Sometimes, if you are able to spread the case study out, you can get people involved in the process to help you out along the way.
This increases user integration and interaction.
12 – Using Interviews With Experts (and Podcasting)
If you know people in the industry who have a lot of knowledge on the topic, why not tap into it as soon as you can?
These are details that are going to matter a lot and you should not ignore. You want to get their advice on certain hot topics. This is where content curation and creation come together.
You want to be able to produce interviews people are going to want and keep them coming in.
When you do this, you will be able to see a real rise in natural traffic. Always make sure you are being intricate with the questions being asked as you don’t want to be generic.
13 – TrapIt And Its Value
The final tool in this list that is going to be highlighted out would be ‘TrapIt’. This is another fantastic tool that is a must for those who want to gain natural traffic. – content creation
The purpose of this tool is to help with trap specific content that is going to be related to your niche.
You are able to save the content and keep it for later in order to store ideas. It is powerful because of how simple it is to use.
14 – Offering Specific Ebooks Related To Niche
Ebook creation is one of those options that is going to work, but it will take time to put together. You want to build a short ebook that is going to help people get a real look into your niche.
It could be something as straightforward as acne treatments for the skin care niche, or a social media guide for beginners. (PDF)
You just want to give people a reason to come onto the site and see the rest of the content that you have on it.
15 – Maximization Of Guest Posts Work
The final way that has worked over the years and is going to continue to work would be to get others involved in the niche.
Guest Blogging Works, Guest Blogging Is Not Dead.
If you want people to come, why not get guest posts put on your site? This will ensure relevant topics are always being put up and visitors will want to hop on and read what is being posted as well. (NOTE: We are accepting authors in the B2B niche at this time. Contact us above).
Those who are in search of results in terms of their traffic numbers have to implement these methods as soon as possible.
It is never easy to gain natural traffic and paid options can take a toll on the budget. It is essential to find a balance and that begins by understanding these ways and making the most of them.
These 15 ways have been highlighted repeatedly over the years because they work and are going to generate traffic regardless of the niche being looked at.
It is this value that is hard to beat and those who are able to maximize it are going to have a massive smile on their faces as the higher traffic numbers roll in.
It can bring about illuminating discussions on the viability of this traffic generation channel and how saturated it is, for example.
There are some who feel there is little left in SEO and it is time to move on.
Many others see the power of search, and include and recommend its use in any marketing effort.
SEO is not dead and those who feel this way are not looking at how things are shaping up in the world of digital marketing. And, Google still owns ~90% of the search market globally, and ~80% of US based searches. With over a 100 billion searches per month, and mobile outgrowing desktop searches, opportunities are massive for SEO!
There are still many sites who are coming out of nowhere to rank well and are seen gaining massive amounts of traffic (and growth). It is one of the highest converting traffic mediums online.
Let’s take a look at ten key signs it is time to invest in SEO. (List not built by order of importance).
#1 – Budget Constraints Are In Place
Running on a low budget? Don’t have enough money to just keep tossing away at paid marketing campaigns?
This might be the number one sign that looking into SEO is critical for your success in the long-term.
You need to make sure SEO is being considered because it will ensure you save money in the end.
(Based on various studies over the years, a top SEO listing gets approx. 42% in click-through rate from SERPs. Each industry is different, and brand terms versus plain keyword terms vary too. Paid ads receive much less of the click results, but each market is different and needs to be tested for yours. NOTE: If none of your clicks convert, it’s worthless to use these stats, work on your conversion strategies! And, tools should be used as a guide, not exact science either way.)
Let’s use an example: For a search term like “beverly hills dentist”, Google Keyword Planner yields 19 searches per day, and that would result in (42% of 19) 8 SEO / organic clicks from a top ranking. And, at about $20.00 (Adwords) per click, the total daily SEO value (what the keyword is worth) is around $165.00/day.
Depending on several factors and the procedures sold at the dentist + the lifetime value of the customer, the math turns in your favor over time with SEO. Remember to test this.
While it’s true as the slogan goes: “nothing is life is really free” – SEO can provide the biggest return on your investment … over time.
It is free advertising in essence once you have ranked and if maintaining and improving, will last for a long time.
You might have to pay those who are going to help get you there, but after that point, it is all free value and that is hard to beat.
What other method is going to give you this kind of quality results in the modern age of marketing?
#2 – Need An Upgrade Of Quality Web Traffic
Is the conversion rate starting to plummet?
Is the traffic just not rolling in as it used to in the past?
Are visitors bouncing (leaving your pages) fast?
This is a common occurrence and you need to have a diligent approach to what you will do next.
Focusing on SEO traffic in the long tail of search has proven profitable and highly converting for businesses over time. Think about the 80/20 rule in the head vs. tail keyword game.
There are so many factors to consider when put in this position, but the best idea is to consider search engine optimization based on quality keyword targets for your market. Less competitive searches, but highly converting.
It will help you gain that new quality level of traffic that is going to help raise the quality of visitors to the site. It is going to help you gain the ability to convert better leads.
#3 – Users Are Not Finding The Website
There are many web sites that don’t get found at all, or are ‘impossible’ to locate online.
The website owners are not building and running promotional strategies either, and that is hampering results.
There is no value in having a great product/service if you are not able to let people know about it, and have them easily find you.
This is why ranking in search engines for main keywords is so valuable.
They will be able to find your site with relative ease and that is when you are going to get established as a ‘go to’ option when you create engaging and authoritative copy.
They are going to be able to find you as needed and that is going to intrigue them like never before.
#4 – People Don’t Trust The Site And/Or Business
This is a major sign.
If people don’t trust your business, it is time to change things up. You need to invest in SEO to get people to trust who you are as a site and brand.
They need to understand what you bring to the table and why you are good at what you do. There are a lot of sites that are not doing this.
From Edelman Trustbarometer 2015
When you are ranking high in search engines, it is assumed you are approved by Google, Bing, or Yahoo and have been vetted, essentially.
This is something that will resonate with the target market and they will begin to automatically trust you.
#5 – Need Help Building A Brand
Don’t have the ‘brand’ recognition yet?
It is one thing to have a good business, but do you have a brand? Ever looked at those who are proven in the world of business? What do they have going for them?
They have a trusted brand. They will also rank high in search engines because of this. Brand favoritism is unfair perhaps, but Google loves brands.
You need to build a brand and SEO will help. It is going to enable people to find & relate with what you are about.
Plus, allowing reviews to flow from local & national feedback sites will help the brand. Your domain and pages strength will elevate in search results too.
#6 – Lacking Quality Relationships In The Market
Link building is a big part of SEO work and that is only going to happen when you develop relationships.
Yes, there are some who are going to spam for links and that is a very short-term strategy. When you want to get it right, you want to build links the right way. Close relationships and trusted authority domains can help.
(From Moz)
When you do this, the results are going to come and the traffic will grow.
#7 – Want To Be An Expert In The Niche
Who doesn’t want to be an expert in their niche?
Let’s imagine you want to lose weight.
Wouldn’t you want to go to those who are experts in their industry and have been doing it for a long time?
It just makes sense to pursue the ones who went before you, yet there are many people who don’t for one reason or another.
You want to come across as this person in your niche and that will get a BIG boost when you rank for your top terms in search engines.
It is all about building trust, authority and that you are seen as an expert by both users and search engines.
Your competitors are applying SEO strategies, but you are going to do it better, right?
Become an authority in your field!
#8 – Require Relevant Traffic
The next sign it is time to consider SEO would have to do with the type of traffic you are getting.
Most online campaigns can bring in new traffic, but it is not always going to be targeted. This means they will come onto the site, take a quick look, and then hit the dreaded “back button”.
They are not going to stick and that is what selling is all about. You want the leads to stick and convert. It may not happen on “first touch”, but the relevancy matters, and many more will buy over time.
SEO is only going to bring those who want the information that is being provided. It gives you the power to make a difference.
#9 – Measurement, Tracking & Changes
Web analytics is here to stay and big data is the way of the future.
If you are noticing how making new changes on the site is hard, it is time to look at SEO metrics.
Not being able to make changes on the site could come down to just not having enough data to work with.
What are you going to change, if you don’t even know what is wrong?!
We know that SEO and website traffic drivers are valuable in this context.
(From Searchengineland)
SEO data with regards to the visitors, user behavior, time spent, where it is coming in from, and how it is converting (landing pages) can help guide your content (page copy) update strategy.
These are stats that can make a difference and will tell you a lot about your site in general and what needs changing.
It is these details that webmasters tend to ignore and it is a major sign with regards to what you need to do and how soon it should be done. Don’t trust your website designer to do this for you.
#10 – Require A Hands-Free Solution
Yes, there are certain aspects of running an online site that are going to get stale and/or time consuming.
It can be a challenge to keep up in such situations and that is why people move towards SEO.
As long as you are going with those who are vetted and proven to do a good job, you will be able to let them take over and get going towards ranking, copy/page updates and conversions. (We focus on the last latter most of the time!)
SEO is all about getting to the top and those who have done this before will be able to guide your site in the right direction. That includes Local SEO.
If you feel burdened by other marketing approaches being used, this could be a great way to not only get new quality traffic but remove tension and stress about other marketing projects you may be working on. A natural, white-hat SEO approach will ensure that you sleep well at night, even when Google makes updates (which they do daily).
A proper SEO plan is required in order to maximize the value of an SEO campaign. Those who are sure about what they are doing will get fantastic results.
Getting results from SEO is not going to happen overnight. It requires a long term view.
These are the main signs to consider for those who want to understand why investing in SEO is critical for their business.
BONUS:Get the free lead generation guide that will show you how to quickly get more leads from traffic. Includes 2 bonus strategies not found in this post.