omni channel marketing

What is Omnichannel Marketing and How Can it Benefit Your Business?

In our fast-changing, AI-fueled digital landscape of right now – customers, clients or patients are not confined to just one single channel when they interact with businesses.

The complexity of modern customer paths have been studied and recorded – even Google shared illuminating data about the “old rule of 7” (non-existent today in our digital world).

The rule of 7 is based on the marketing principle that customers need to see your brand at least 7 times before they commit to a purchase decision. This concept has been around since the 1930s when movie studios first coined the approach. 

Visitors engage, research, and shop across a variety of touchpoints, from social media and a wide range of websites to physical stores and even mobile apps.

This multi-channel reality demands a marketing approach that seamlessly integrates all these channels, and that’s where omni channel marketing comes in.

Here are 8 compelling reasons why your B2B business needs a solid omni channel marketing strategy:

1. Creating a Consistent and Seamless Customer Experience:

Imagine a customer who is browsing your website on their phone, adding some of your products to their cart, and then seamlessly completing the entire purchase in your physical store.

Omni channel marketing can make this possible. It’s done by ensuring consistent branding, experiences, and messaging across all of the touch points.

And the benefits come from building both trust and satisfaction and ultimately leading to more loyal audiences… and buyers!

2. Personalizing All of Your Marketing Efforts:

Collecting data across various channels means that you’re gaining valuable insights into individual customer preferences and behaviors.

This can empower you to deliver targeted recommendations and personalized messages to significantly increase the overall effectiveness and relevance of your marketing.

3. Gaining Valuable Customer Insights:

Omni channel marketing delivers a wealth of customer behavioral data across the different touchpoints.

That data can then be used for identifying trends, understanding your audiences preferences, and fully optimizing your marketing campaigns for much better results.

4. Reach Customers Wherever They May Be:

Your audiences tend to use different channels for different purposes.

Some might do their research on social media, while others might prefer to depend on things like direct emails and email newsletters.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Google, LinkedIn, and Meta/FB ads) can be some of those channels.

They might even research products and services online, read reviews, visit a physical store, and then buy either online or in person.

So, an omni channel approach assists you with meeting your target audience on their particular preferred channels, increasing your reach and engagement exponentially.

5. Improving Your Brand Reputation:

When your customers have a positive experience across all channels, then they’re much more likely to leave positive reviews while also recommending your brand to others.

This contributes to attracting new customers and building a stronger brand reputation.

6. Staying Way Ahead of Your Competition:

The savvy consumers of today expect a consistent, unified brand experience.

Therefore…when you adopt an omni channel marketing approach, you’re showing them your total commitment to being customer-centric and staying ahead of your competitors, who are still stuck in their singular marketing efforts.

7. Boosting Both Your Conversions and Your Sales:

A seamless customer experience across multiple channels just naturally leads to increased conversions and more sales.

It’s a fact that customers are more likely to purchase when they can easily find what they’re looking for and have a buying experience that’s considerably smoother because of it.

8. Omni channel marketing can also help your business to:

  • Maximize your marketing ROI
  • Adapt to changing consumer behavior
  • Improve your data analysis and insights

Omni channel marketing strategies are no longer a luxury or difficult to launch like they may have been in the past.

Today, they’re actually a crucial necessity for businesses of all sizes.

Here at Chaosmap, we focus on B2B mostly, events, funnel marketing, lead generation and ROI-driven traffic from paid media and organic search.

Need help implementing Omni-Channel Marketing For Your Business? (FREE QUOTE)

B2B Marketing

7 Effective B2B Retargeting Steps For Google Ads

Retargeting with Google Ads can be the breakthrough your ads and traffic has been waiting for.

Ready to turn website visitors into loyal customers and maximize your ROI with B2B retargeting?

Buckle up … because we’re about to dive into the 7 must-do’s for an effective retargeting strategy:

1. Segment Your Audience Strategically:

Top Funnel: Visitors who engaged with awareness-stage content (blog posts, infographics, etc.) need nurturing reminders, not sales pitches.

Target them with educational content or case studies to build trust and brand awareness.

Middle Funnel: Users who downloaded white papers, requested demos, or interacted with product pages are further down the funnel.

Retarget them with targeted product demos, success stories, or personalized pricing quotes.

Bottom Funnel: Visitors who abandoned carts or reached checkout are primed for conversion.

Hit them with limited-time discounts, free consultations, or urgency-driven CTAs like “Claim Your Last Spot!” or “Ticket are going fast, register now!”

2. Don’t Be Creepy, Be Creepy Good:

Frequency Capping: Avoid bombarding users with endless ads. Set frequency caps to manage impressions and prevent ad fatigue.

Dynamic Creative Optimization: Show relevant ad variations based on individual user behavior and interests.

Dynamic product ads or personalized testimonials work wonders.

Recency Triggering: Prioritize retargeting users who interacted with your site recently.

The closer they are to conversion, the higher the impact.

3. Go Beyond Website Retargeting:

Customer Match Lists: Upload email addresses of existing customers or leads to target them across Google’s Display Network and YouTube. YouTube ads have terrific targeting options as well.

Remarketing across platforms keeps your brand top-of-mind.

Similar Audiences (retired August ’23): Expand your reach by targeting users similar to your existing high-value customers or website visitors. Tap into hidden potential with Google’s powerful algorithms.

NOTE: Look for leverage through first party data and marketing optimization objectives such as optimized targetingaudience expansion, and Smart Bidding,

4. Embrace Automation, but Don’t Forget the Human Touch:

Smart Bidding Strategies: Utilize Target CPA or Target ROAS bidding to optimize bids for conversions and maximize ROI.

Let Google’s AI do the heavy lifting while you focus on strategy.

Negative Keywords: Exclude irrelevant searches and landing pages to avoid wasting ad spend on non-qualified clicks.

Remember, precision is key in B2B advertising.

Landing Page Optimization: Ensure your landing pages seamlessly match your ad messaging and offer a clear path to conversion.

Don’t let a misaligned landing page kill your momentum.

5. A/B Test & Analyze Like a Data Ninja:

Headline Variations: Experiment with different headlines to see what grabs your audience’s attention and sparks curiosity. Test for best performance!

Visuals & CTAs: Play with ad formats, images, and call-to-action buttons. Find the visual and messaging combination that converts like a charm.

Performance Insights: Regularly analyze your retargeting campaign data.

Track conversion rates, cost per lead, and other key metrics to identify areas for improvement and optimize your campaigns for ongoing success.

Side note: Automating this process with Performance Max campaigns can work even better – once your assets and funnels have been proven to work with a positive return.

6. Don’t Forget the Retargeting Funnel Exit Strategy:

Win-Back Campaigns: Re-engage users who haven’t interacted with your ads in a while with special offers or exclusive content.

Sometimes, all it takes is a little reminder to rekindle their interest.

Exclusion Lists: Once users convert or become irrelevant, add them to exclusion lists to avoid wasting ad spend on them.

Keep your targeting laser-focused and efficient.

7. Measure ROI Beyond Last Click:

Track Assisted Conversions: Google Ads often plays a supporting role in B2B conversion journeys.

Use attribution models like “last-click + assist” to accurately measure the true impact of your retargeting campaigns. We normally use the “data driven” attribution, but this is not always static as you’ve seen.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): Look beyond immediate conversions. Consider the long-term value of acquired customers and optimize your retargeting strategy to attract high-value prospects.


By mastering these 7 secrets to remarketing, you’ll unlock the power of B2B retargeting in Google Ads and transform your website visitors into loyal customers, all while maximizing your return on ad spend.

Remember, it’s not just about clicks, it’s about building relationships and driving sustainable growth for your B2B business. Measure your investment against returns and optimize accordingly.

If you need help, get a free quote here.

B2B Marketing

5 Companies That Have Mastered Indirect Marketing

Unlike direct marketing, which relies on coupons and commercial spots, indirect marketing is brilliantly positioned to leverage inexpensive and effective online communication channels.


There can be some pitfalls to near constant communication with customers and potential customers.

But when done right, indirect marketing can create long-lasting relationships that keep revenue coming long after any coupon sale could.

1. Moody’s Analytics

Rapper the Weeknd (Twitter) said that “being forgotten is man’s greatest fear and staying relevant is a handicap for most”.


Unfortunately, relevance is also a necessity for any business.

Under indirect marketing philosophies like relationship marketing theory and the balanced scorecard approach, being a valuable resource to the consumer is of utmost importance.

The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals.

In this context, value is not necessarily monetary.

Moody’s, the preeminent service and research company for investor financials, is making itself valuable to consumers by offering finance courses online.

Moody’s Analytics is a subsidiary of Moody’s Corporation established in 2007 to focus on non-rating activities, separate from Moody’s Investors Service. It provides economic research regarding risk, performance and financial modeling, as well as consulting, training and software services.”

This is indirect marketing at its best.

Without ever saying the words, Moody’s reminds the consumer that it is the most knowledgeable in its field. This is how you build total authority.

2. Scholastic

One defining characteristic of indirect marketing is that it is omnidirectional. There is participation from the consumer that goes beyond printing a coupon.

Scholastic Home Page – Reading Club

A staple in children’s book publishing, Scholastic Books is using the social network site Pinterest very well in its indirect marketing approach.

“Scholastic Corporation is an American publishing, education and media company known for publishing, selling, and distributing books and educational materials for schools, teachers, parents, and children. Products are distributed to schools and districts, to consumers through the schools via reading clubs and fairs, and through retail stores and online sales.” – Wikipedia

Its Pinterest boards include fun, interactive topics, such as Book Bling and Hosting a Book Bash.

Not only does the Pinterest board keep Scholastic relevant as a book publisher, it lets the users place their ideas, which creates a type of dialogue between the company, consumers and potential customers.

3. Listerine

The mouthwash company’s campaign is a mix of great indirect marketing and a cautionary tale.

“Listerine is a brand of antiseptic mouthwash product. It is promoted with the slogan “Kills germs that cause bad breath”. Named after Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister, a pioneer of antiseptic surgery, Listerine was actually developed in 1879 by Joseph Lawrence, a chemist in St. Louis, Missouri.” – Wikipedia

Before 2005, Listerine mouthwash ads made the claim that it could replace flossing as an effective way of preventing tooth decay.

In one massive indirect marketing swoop, Listerine convinced consumers that its mouthwash was as good as flossing.

Like all great indirect marketing, the campaign took on a life of its own and made the Listerine brand name synonymous with all mouth wash.

The Listerine lawsuit in 2004 deemed the ads as misleading, forcing the company to stop running them, but the campaign had already done its job.

A class action civil suit was ultimately thrown out in 2010 because the judge found the claim overly broad since most people had not seen the relatively short-run ads.

4. Toms

Social responsibility is another of the indirect marketing features.

Toms shoes – social responsibility company – One For One

Toms Shoe Company (Twitter) used this to gain great leverage as well as do some good for children in need.

“The company was founded in 2006 by Blake Mycoskie, an entrepreneur from Arlington, Texas. It designs and sells shoes based on the Argentine alpargata design as well as eyewear. When Toms sells a pair of shoes, a new pair of shoes is given to an impoverished child, and when Toms sells a pair of eyewear, part of the profit is used to save or restore the eyesight for people in developing countries.” – Wikipedia

As part of its corporate social responsibility platform, Toms gives shoes and eyewear to children in more than 70 countries.

As an indirect marketing method, philanthropy is a great way to get brand recognition, positive perception and increased loyalty without spending a cent on advertorial marketing.

5. The Hustle

Coupons are not fun. The engagement associated with indirect marketing is fun.


This is what the online newsletter “The Hustle” is counting on.

Just signing up for the news with this company will make you laugh.

Its popup request to get you to supply an email, generally an odious thing, is full of humor, ending with the line, “Ok, you convinced me.”

If you can make your indirect marketing campaign enjoyable to the user, then you have accomplished something special.

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Sales Strategies

How an Effective Product Page Design Can Boost Sales

Between 2015 and 2020, retail sales will reach $523 billion, Forrester projects.

As e-commerce growth accelerates, marketing departments will prioritize the need to develop content that increases website traffic, with 65 percent of marketers investing the biggest part of their budget in social marketing, according to Gartner.

But while focusing on traffic, it’s easy to overlook the design elements that make product pages sell. Here are some key ways to create effective product pages through design, testing and implementation.

1. Design

There are nine product page elements that have the biggest impact on the user experience and sales performance. Here are a few:

  • The header image helps make the sale by speaking to peoples’ emotions. And, imagery is an especially important consideration in industries like clothing, where detail makes the difference. Accordingly, the Gap’s home page is dominated by images of models posing in various clothing items, with minimal text.
  • Product names can also speak to peoples’ emotions and create a rational appeal to buyers. To enhance emotional impact, include benefit-oriented descriptors in your product name fields.
  • Add buttons for buying items or adding items to a sales cart, followed by prices. In some cases, you might be able to showcase price discounts as well as prices. For instance, a TireBuyer product page for Goodyear Tires highlights a money-back offer in the space above the fold.
  • Use product headlines that draw attention to the overall benefits.
  • Include product reviews, additional photos or gallery photos and full product blurbs or specifications. These elements speak to the shopper who may already be considering a purchase, which can help close the deal.

2. Testing

Testing to improve conversion rates is another important step in page design. Many Internet marketing A/B split tests focus on tweaking details, such as alternating images, colors and fonts.

WordStream founder Larry Kim says these minor tweaks can sometimes boost your conversion rate a few points. But if you want to double or triple your conversions, focus on items that have a bigger impact on sales persuasiveness.

The biggest element you can improve is changing your sales offer. Many industries use offers that sound essentially similar to their competitors. For instance, most software providers offer free trials. You can make a free trial offer more compelling by making it more specific and unique, Kim says.

For instance, to promote his company’s online advertising service, Kim’s team used an online tool to offer visitors a free AdWords campaign performance grade evaluation; the company offered 40 hours of PPC analysis in 60 seconds or less.

Other elements you can adjust include the usability flow of your design and re-marketing to visitors once they leave your site.

3. Implementation

Successful page deployment also requires effective marketing implementation. This includes covering social media promotion and order fulfillment.

Limelight Department content strategist Steve Ference describes how his design team launched a successful T-shirt sales campaign for a client.

After building the client’s social media following and email list, Limelight photographed the T-shirt to promote through social media and email marketing.

Limelight also calculated shipping costs, calibrated the ordering process and coordinated with customer service representatives to ensure a smooth launch from start to finish.

B2B Marketing

5 Of The Most Uncommon Ways To Close More Sales

There is no question about it.

The way we do business and generate sales has changed greatly in just the past 10-20 years.

For better or worse it has been the Internet that has caused a major shift in how business in done.

Clients and customers no longer feel as though the local shop in town is the best choice for their needs.

They can go online and outsource work and get products direct from suppliers for a much lower rate. That is why it is so important that you have the ability to close sales.

However, this is where things start to get really difficult for people in sales. You can no longer act as though you are getting the sale.

IMPORTANT: Read below to learn more – but don’t discount the #1 thing to kickstart sales: “Build more campaigns – create a sales video, create a landing pages or opt-in page and drive traffic to it with ads, social, emails and organic!”

Make sense?

Let’s take a step back in time to the age of disco balls and awesome polyester suits.


Back then it was perfectly fine to be a salesman and you knew what had to be done to close a sale. Customers and clients knew they were going to be in for a hard sell. Don’t believe me?

Ask your parents or grandparents what it was like trying to buy that Chevy Impala.

They knew they were going to sit in that car dealership sweating in the summer heat until they collapsed and bought the car.

Salesmen were expected to be pushy, ignorant, and saw the client as a bonus.

Times have changed all of that, which I think most of us can say is a good thing. In today’s world salespeople are expected to listen to the customer and make sure they are getting what is best for them.

It is not about pushing the most expensive product.

So that leaves many of us in the proverbial pickle. How is it possible to close a sale without it seeming like it is a close? That seems like a question better left for a college philosophy class.

You don’t need a philosophy degree to close more sales. In fact, we are going to discuss five of the most uncommon ways you can close more sales. Better yet you don’t need the cheap polyester suit to do it.

These are smooth and go with what customers expect out of good customer relations.

1 – How Much Content Do You Produce?

One of the most uncommon ways of closing more sales is through the use of content marketing.

content marketing and growing your business closing sales

It is so important to make sure that the content you are creating for your websites and social media accounts are working for you. It is important that the content you create focuses on what your clients need and hope to obtain.

Of course, all your content should have a soft sell directed toward your other products and services. Your website should be tailored to be a silent salesperson, closing sales 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If it is not doing this for you, it is important to hire someone who can help create that type of content.

2 – Forget About Your Sales

That would seem like an unlikely way of closing a sale, wouldn’t it?

However, it is vital that you forget about trying to sell to your clients.

plan and focus on clients first

Your number one goal should be focusing on their needs.

Do you have a solution to their problem?

If you think about their needs over everything else you are going to be able to close the sale every single time.

In fact, think of yourself as a problem-solver and not a salesperson.

3 – No Two Clients Needs Are Ever The Same

One of the most important aspects on closing a sale is realizing that no two clients are ever the same nor are their needs.

sales management is not cookie cutter

You cannot give the same solution over and over, it is vital that you actually listen and work with the client to give them what they need.

Too many salespeople will “listen” to their clients only to give them a “cookie-cutter” resolution.

By choosing to close a sale this way will only insult the client and send them elsewhere.

Instead, engage the customer in a real conversation that focuses on what they need. Be proactive and make them feel comfortable. By doing so, you have a much greater chance of closing a sale as opposed to the generic closing speech.

4 – Understand Your Client’s Expertise And Needs

Once you have been working in a business for months or years you begin to know it quite well. You, in fact, become an expert in your field.


Your clients come to you for your expertise and knowledge and hope that you are able to guide them in the right direction.

There will be times you have client’s who believe they know what is best for their company and will be adamant about choosing a product or service, even if you know it is the wrong decision.

When moment’s like this appear in your daily routine it is the opportune time to take the high ground and close a sale, unlike no other way.

In the past, you would have just accepted the sale and went on with your daily basis, never once again thinking about your clients wrong decision.

However, if you know it is the wrong decision, you have to assert your expertise and simply deny the sale. Inform your client that you cannot under good faith allow them to make that purchase.

Two things are bound to happen here:

One they are going to curse you out for not letting buy what they want. However, they will be impressed with your level of integrity and the potential of losing a sale and will go with your recommendation.

Two, they will curse you out and walk out the store. In this case, if you were originally right, they will come back to you more impressed than ever with your business integrity. It is important to remember that not every lost sale is a bad thing, there are always opportunities.

5 – Be Truthful

Imagine that, telling the truth would be one of the most uncommon ways of closing the sale. Far too many businesses will lie and manipulate until their client buys a package or product.

There is a drive among many salespeople to promise anything they can to get a new lead or client in the door.

Build trust for sales success be truthful

Even if they are unable to meet the clients needs and expectations they will say they can just to get that client’s business. What do you think happens with this client in a couple of weeks or months when their expectations are not being met? They leave the business and are highly dissatisfied.

While it may seem counter-intuitive it is best to let the client know you cannot meet their expectations at this time.

Whether they are looking for high-quality web content or 1-gigabyte high internet speed. It is best to explain you do not offer that service at the moment, but you will do your best to make it available as soon as possible.

The client will appreciate your honesty and integrity more than if you had just signed them up for the next best thing you had.

Remember to ask for their contact details and when you are able to accommodate them, give them a call and offer a free trial.

You will more than likely close the sale with your exceptional customer service skills and willingness to please.

By following the tips in this article you will see that you are not only closing more sales, but you are cultivating clients that are going to respect you and buy from you over and over.

These relationships are priceless in business and only a few are needed for long-term success.

As your reputation grows due to your integrity so will the number of referrals and clients.

NEED SOME HELP? Contact Us Here and schedule your time.

B2B Marketing

CheckList: Tips For Creating Highly Effective Lead Magnets For Your Website

In this post, you’ll learn about lead magnets, ideas, delivery and design of lead magnets.

You’ll also discover the lead magnet definition:

what-is-a-lead-magnet-chaosmap - Lead Magnet – noun – an irresistible bribe offering a specific chunk of value to a prospect in exchange for their contact information.
What is a lead magnet? (

Very few people seem to remember but there was a time when people wanted to receive e-mails from anyone.

Free e-mail on the Internet was a novelty at that time and people were willing to input their e-mail address in any form that asked them for their e-mail.

Thanks to the relentless spam and misuse of e-mail marketing, these days it is difficult to get people to part with their e-mail.

However, e-mail marketing still remains one of the top forms of marketing as it gives businesses direct access to potential and existing customers.

Since everyone realizes the importance of building an e-mail list, almost every business has an e-mail subscription box on their website.

But people have become so used to the same old strategies that they simply ignore those subscription boxes unless they specifically want to subscribe.

It’s similar to the phenomenon of banner blindness.

Businesses need innovative thinking to get visitors to given their e-mail and hence, the concept of lead magnet.

What is Lead Magnet?

In simple terms, it can be defined as an offer that is designed to get website visitors to give their contact information in exchange for something valuable.

It is also known by many other names such as free gift, human grabber, ethical bribe, sign up gift, sign up offer and incentive among others.

It can be in a variety of forms but the most often used incentive is a downloadable, free report or e-book.

So, if you want to acquire more subscribers, here are a few tips on how to create effective lead magnets for your website.

Lead magnet properties:

Lead magnets will vary with the kind of business you have.

For instance, lead magnets work great for:

  • consultants
  • trainers
  • coaches
  • software & technology companies
  • local business owners
  • information marketers

…and in general, business professionals and firms who sell tools, information and expertise.

The lead magnet can be in the form of:

  • a free webinar
  • a free assessment test
  • a free podcast
  • a free video or video series
  • downloadable E-books
  • white papers
  • cheat sheets / resources lists
  • training courses via e-mail
  • and other such information.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Similarly, e-commerce businesses can have lead magnets in the form of:

  • free shipping coupon
  • discount coupon
  • discount coupon for first order
  • tips on saving money
  • free VIP membership
  • free educational materials for solving problems
  • free gift with first-order and similar.

In the case of service business such as mechanics, plumbers, doctors, plastic surgeons, realtors and veterinarians, a lead magnet can be:

  • free online tools such as specialized calculator
  • tips to be a smart buyer
  • free coupons (with expiration date)
  • how-to content for DIY projects
  • educational download about the industry and what to avoid

In the case of software business, it can be a

  • free member account
  • premium features for a week
  • free trial of software tool
  • industry research report or white paper
  • downloadable desktop app with limited features

Things You Need to Do before Creating Lead Magnet

One way to find out the most effective lead magnet for your business is to create a number of things without putting too much thought into it and test them all.

However, this is inefficient and very costly way of doing things.

How to create a lead magnet, you say?

Many people make the mistake of putting too much effort into an idea that they think will work but ultimately it turns out that nobody or a very few people want that thing. You can never be sure which idea will click with potential customers.

A better way to do is think about your target audience, their goals and how your lead magnet can help them.

The first step in the process is to figure out the demographics of your niche. It will help you in figuring out the goals of your targeted customers and how you can help them. Take a notepad and start brainstorming.

Write down as many ideas as you can and start creating headlines. Take 5 to 10 of these ideas (which you think are the best) and write them down on a separate sheet of paper.

To choose the best among these, turn to your existing customers and ask them about their opinion. You can give them a call or meet them face to face or use online forms.

This will give you some winners and now you can build upon those ideas and split test them.

This process will save you a lot of time, money and energy.

Examples of Highly Effective Lead Magnets

Interactive Quiz

This lead magnet is successfully used by many businesses such as Infusionsoft and Hubspot.


In the case of Hubspot, visitors are asked to click a button (Step 1) and then enter their information to download the State of Inbound Report (Step 2). However, visitors need to give their e-mail to get the information and custom downloadable report.

Similarly, Infusionsoft asks the visitors to take the assessment test and visitors are asked to input their website & e-mail to see the results.

Additionally, a visitor can opt-in to other ‘juicy’ marketing and business tips.


This lead magnet works as people have already invested a few minutes of their time and do not want to lose that investment. A vast majority of visitors give their e-mail address to find out more about their website.

In another example from hubspot (in los angeles, ca), we see an a presentation of a direct, one-pager (above the fold of the page) squeeze page with an offer (bribe) for the “How To Get 100,000 readers for your blog”:


Special Deal Offer

The ‘special deal’ lead magnet is used by a lot of service companies. They usually offer a coupon or special deals in return for e-mail of the visitor.

Since people always want free stuff, they are ready to pay the small price of giving their e-mail address to get a coupon that can be worth a few dollars.

Video or Podcast

Videos are the in thing. Everyone loves to watch videos on Internet. In fact, it is estimated that 70% of Internet bandwidth is consumed by video content.

So, create a great video with proper editing and an interesting title to capture leads. Keep the video short so that visitors can watch the whole video in one sitting.

Podcasts are also gaining popularity. It is possible that some of your potential customers like podcasts. So, you can also give them the option of a free podcast in place of video.

Free Shipping or Discount Coupons

Various shipping options and unique use of coupons are ideas from the most effective lead magnets for e-commerce companies.

Many companies offer a discount coupon for first order or free shipping coupon on the first-order in exchange for their e-mail.

This is a very powerful way of building up a subscriber list of potential customers who can be e-mailed again with special offers and discounts.


Overall, the goal is to create highly targeted lead magnets.

Generic freebies that are not relevant to your business and not helpful for your customers are not going to work well as people are bored of those things.

It is important to use separate lead magnets for different products and services.

Do not forget to split test your lead magnets and retain the one with the highest conversion rate.

You can start with or to create and edit lead magnet pages and popups for your website.

WARNING: But, as you’ve learned – DO NOT start with the shiny tools!

Begin creating a strategy, document the steps, be clear on the goal and get help if you need to.

BONUS: Get the free lead generation guide that will show you how to quickly get more leads from traffic. Includes 2 bonus strategies not found in this post.

B2B Marketing

16 B2B Marketing Strategies And Their Popularity (Graphs)

Business to business marketing is all about starting, building and keeping relationships.

This can be done in many ways, but in marketing there are sixteen options available to your business. Some are more popular than others, as you’ll learn from the recent study.

The comparison between overall marketing strategies as compared to SEO strategies for B2B are almost identical in areas, and we see ‘Content Development’ as a challenge for most B2B businesses.

Here are the 16 factors to consider.