Social Media

How To Build More Web Traffic From Social Media (10 Tips You Can Use Right Now)

Social media goes hand in hand with building traffic to your website. Netizens nowadays devote so many hours using their social media accounts to share their thoughts, like interesting things, and search for new and upcoming trends. With that said, having social media accounts to represent and promote your small business is very important to build traffic to your main website.

Social media web traffic twitter birds

An active online presence through social media is an effective way to reach out to your audience in a more personal level. Because people surfing the net spend most of their time on social media sites, you can interact with them more if you are also spending time there. Whether it is a new customer stumbling upon your Facebook or Twitter page or a loyal customer sharing your page and posts, it is important to give them something good to learn and discover about your company.

Here are 10 tips you can use right now for a more effective and productive use of social media sites to build traffic to your website.

1. Timing Is Everything

Make sure majority of your followers can see and share your posts and updates. The best time to post is from 8 AM to 8 PM because these are the main work hours, meaning people are most likely online. The ideal amount of posts to optimize results is between 5 to 10 tweets and 1 to 4 Facebook posts per day. Make sure you post the updates on multiple social media sites and your own blog or website. Pay attention to frequency and timing in order to get the most social engagement possible.

2. Share Your Expertise and Passion

As a business, one of your primary goals is to earn money. However, it is also necessary for your customers to know that you are passionate and an expert about your craft. Consider offering your audience a guide, brochure, or whitepaper to download. Put these on your website and then share the link to your social media accounts so it would be easy for your customers to share them to their friends.

3. Offer Seasonal and Exclusive Deals

Who doesn’t like a bargain, right? Use social media to promote exclusive offers like special discounts, buy one take one promo, or early bird rewards. Raffles and coupons exclusively available to your social media followers can make them feel special, therefore strengthening their loyalty and appreciation of your business.

4. Be Real and Real Time

The more you acknowledge and reply to your followers, the more engaged they become. The effectiveness of your social media strategy depends on how often you use it. Social media engagement relies on daily interactions among users to survive. Although auto posting tools can help you communicate with your audience, more businesses are beginning to understand that engaging with their audiences in real conversations will bring them better results. Being available to your audience in real time means you can have more meaningful back-and-forth conversations.

5. Stay Updated And Be Current

The only thing certain is everything changes; and this is also true about social networking sites. Learn how you can get the latest updates easily so you can know the current trends they are setting. You can follow Facebook’s business page (, follow social media and tech experts on Twitter (, and set Google alerts (

6. Use Hashtags

There’s a reason Twitter created hash tagging and now Facebook is also allowing it. Hashtags are made for people to trend topics and businesses to promote. Combine those two and you can use hashtags to promote your new products, services, or special offers. Announce it on your social media accounts so your followers can participate making it trend. People who use hashtags are more likely to engage in social conversations and therefore are more likely to share a positive experience they’ve had with your brand once you’ve broken through.

7. Incorporate Infographics

Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. A social media page is better to look at if it contains not just plain text but also some infographics to catch users’ attention. In fact, they reach more people because they are shared more often than other online content. They are easy to understand and share, so you could spread the word about your company’s products and services effectively.

8. Be Mobile-Friendly

People surfing the web are becoming more and more on-the-go lately. There are too many smartphones and tablets in the market these days that there’s no excuse not to go online even if you are away from home. Make sure your pages are mobile-friendly and easy to load. Use a design that is accessible and convenient for multiple browsers and devices. Include social media icons, mobile redirects, simple landing pages, and content you want your users to see.

9. Ask Questions

Contrary to popular belief, answering questions is not the end of your social media task. Asking questions is a good way to engage your followers and spark curiosity about your products or services. Some good questions to ask are ones that tap into the interests and lifestyles of your fans to generate conversations. You may also ask feedback questions regarding your newly launched product or service so you can find out what they like about it and what you still need to improve. This way, your followers can feel that their opinions are part of your decision making process.

10. Use a Conversational Tone & Engage

Social media has changed the way businesses communicate publicly. In fact, it is advised to avoid stiff business writing and encouraged to adopt a more conversational tone. Take them inside your brand’s experience instead of just hard selling. Although you are viewed as a business entity, your followers communicate with you and expect a response that would make you look sound a normal person just like them. Having a conversational tone makes your content feel more authentic and engaging to readers.

In a world of social media marketing, giving your followers a unique and personal experience is a must. Be innovative and caring in all your social media pursuits so you could gain more traffic and more loyalty out of your customers.

What else can you add?

photo credit: mkhmarketing


How to Integrate Blogging into Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media marketing has been proven effective for years now, both for brand building and lead generation. The amount of online activity people invest in their everyday lives simply demands your business to utilize online platforms and tools to your advantage.

Especially if YOUR audience is already there. It is important to get the word out about your products, services and how you can help them. However, there is an ingredient you just can’t afford to miss: trust. An effective business blog is what you need to build this.

Here are 7 considerations to make that happen:

Add Your Personal Touch

Big and small companies alike have known and seen for themselves just how personal interaction with your core audience can benefit the performance of your business. You can promote your brand all you want, but no one will believe you, come back or stay active if you don’t build a personal connection with your audience. One of the most effective ways to do this is by incorporating blogging into your social media strategy.

Strengthen Traffic

The role of blogging is to keep your audience current and interested so that they don’t remain as traffic alone. Blogging connects you to your visitors in a more personal way, increasing the chance of generating sales and growing your business. 

Be an Expert, But in a Conversational Tone


Blogging is about having casual conversations in a public space, but you still have to maintain your authority. Gaining the trust of your audience is a balance between being a relate-able,  normal character and being a remarkable expert.

If you own a web design business, you must come off as a creative and reliable web designer. If you own a dental business, your blog must be filled with new oral care treatments and industry news. In short, you must cater to the needs of your audience while still coming off as an ordinary, connected individual and business.

Add Fresh Content with a Lot of Variety

Routine updates can be a major turn off for your visitors. Instead of earning their trust, this technique may leave them bored and uninterested.

Try to mix your posts up and start a fresh conversation with the help of images and videos. Update your blog on a regular basis, but make sure there is something new, informative, and interesting to talk about. Put a new twist each time you post to keep your audience coming back frequently.

Share Testimonials and Information

Business blogging is all about writing posts that often include sharing experiences, business ideas, and industry news. You must aim to enlighten the minds of your visitors to eventually earn their trust and make them regular customers. Every post is a unique opportunity to offer something engaging, hoping that your visitors will share them to others.

Promote Interaction and Acknowledge Feedback

A business blog should know the value of user feedback. Since your primary goal is to build the trust of people, acknowledging their comments and suggestions is necessary to create a blog they would want to visit often. Do a call-to-action at the end of your posts, add share icons, and check the comments so you could gain insight regarding your visitors.

Encourage them to share their insights about your blog topics and personal opinions about your products or services. Let them know that you appreciate their feedback and it is helpful for your business. The most important thing is to make sure you respond to their comments. Failing to do so may result to your audience thinking you don’t care or respect their opinions.

Add Links to Make Your Blog a Central Hub

Since your blog is the closest and most personal way users can interact with you, make it the central location for where you make announcements. All methods of communicating with you should branch out from there.

Make use of other social network tools such as Facebook and Twitter to promote your blog. Link back to your website and use RSS feeds to constantly provide your main site with fresh content (that they can use in their readers.)  Make sure everything you do on your blog somehow ties back into your company website where people can know you more and discover the complete list of your products or services. But, don’t be overly sales-y.

Through continuous and effective blogging, you can maximize the impact of your social media marketing strategy. Blogging can improve customer satisfaction, generate direct sales, and provide crisis management. Always think about what value and message you want your customers to hear from you. If you know this, you can be confident about the information, news, stories, announcements, and everything you share. In the end, the loyal ones will be your biggest assets.

Provide them with reasons to stay with you and give them opportunities to support your business and be a part of your growth and success.

What do you think?

B2B Marketing

Four B2B Social Media Marketing Challenges in 2013

Social media marketing (SMM) and related social campaigns are traditionally seen as more of a B2C (business-to-consumer) activity. The core idea is that relationships are based on person-to-person, not person-to-faceless-organization.

However, B2B relationships centers around people. It’s not unique to B2C. While we don’t necessarily advocate discussing the latest ski-trip or personal passions publicly  per se — the companies who inject ‘personality’ and ‘connection’ are much more likely to engage and create new business opportunities.

While B2C may be more ‘experience’ based, B2B positioning is all about value.

Time For Re-Thinking Traditional Marketing

A recent article from the Harvard Business Review (Jan 2013) stated that it’s time to “rethink the 4 P’s of marketing”. Here’s what Richard Ettenson (Professor at Thunderbird School of Global Management) suggested: