Question: Are you the sole member of a company, acting as owner, operator and marketer as well as any other hats you may be required to put on in order to keep operations running smoothly?
Perhaps you are in charge of the marketing and Internet communications for a small business where everyone is a valued member of the team.
Either way, if you have the responsibility of making sure that you maintain positive consumer relations and networking with other professionals, then you need to be sure that you take advantage of the latest tools and tricks on the market.
In 2015, a new mobile app was released from Twitter that is becoming a real game-changer.

In this emerging technology market, more players are showing up. You also have Meerkat, Facebook Livestream, (a variation of it with up to 4 ‘streamers’).
Here’s a infographic comparison between Periscope and Meerkat:

This video streaming app named periscope is being used by businesses, celebrities and everyday people in order to communicate, entertain, educate and learn.
You can download it for your mobile phone on the Apple Store or Google Play.
And, it’s now playing on a theater near you – on Apple TV.

If you want to remain on top of your niche, or perhaps reach a higher level of brand recognition and reputation, then you need to utilize the way that this can completely revolutionize your company.
However, if you are going to begin using this app, you want to be sure that you know how to maximize the benefits that come with this exciting new method of mass interaction.
Here’s a quick introduction video on how to use Periscope from Krishna De
This will allow you to tailor your content preparation to meet the needs of your company.
Whether you are part of a team or a team of one, you may think that adding another form of communication to your current ones is too much.
However, quite the opposite is true. By implementing this free app correctly, you can reduce the time you currently spend on your social media and blog posts.
Over the course of six months or a year, you might even discover that you are spending less time marketing with greater results.
Figuring out how you plan to use periscope will prevent you from trying too many things at once.
You do not want to waste a bunch of time due to lack of focus.
Of course, if you discover that a particular type of marketing or communication does not work near as well for you as the other uses you have found for Periscope, you should certainly strike it from your list.
You can also consider adding new ones as is appropriate.
Twitter executives and the marketing team understand the power of the explosive growth of “vertical screens”. Take a look at the growth in digital media (time spent from Comscore). Periscope is an app that trail blazes this trend.
“Total digital media usage has grown 49% with mobile apps having grown 90% and contributing to 77% of the total increase in time spent” – comScore

The following seven reasons for using Periscope for your business are a fantastic place for people like you to begin:
1. Show Off Your Products or Services with Live Stream Usage
One of the best ways that you can begin to utilize Periscope to communicate with current and potential customers is to showcase your products or services and how you can help them.
While videos of these are certainly useful for promotion purposes, live streams are even better.

Traditional videos showcasing sale items often have been edited so that viewers primarily see the best parts of the process.
While this reduces the time of the video, it can also leave consumers wondering what was cut out. For instance, did it take you one minute to open the container or fifteen?
By doing a live-stream video with Periscope for them, the viewers will have no such doubts. Make sure that you retain your sense of humor should anything go wrong during the event.
Remember that you will not be able to edit out swear words or frustration down the line!
2. Provide an Insider View of Trade Shows and Special Events
People love to have an insider look at events and Periscope provides you with the perfect means to give them what they want.
Trade shows are still a popular means for businesses to connect with other companies and consumers.

However, the vast majority of people do not know what goes on behind the scenes.
You can give them an up close look at what your team is doing and possibly even talk to others who are there.
You may get consumers trying the product for a first time who want to jump on the screen for a moment and express their perceptions of the product or brand.
You may also have other vendors that will say something favorable about your company and take advantage of the opportunity to get their own brand mentioned to a new audience.
When your business hosts an event, let your Twitter followers know that you will be hosting a Periscope stream for a period of time during it.
You may decide to give them an up-close look at the setup process or of people having a good time at the event.
Make sure that you schedule it so that you still have time to interact in person with the people who have shown up for it.
3. Testimonials Regarding Your Business Products or Services
People are more likely to make a purchase when they have seen many positive testimonials from real users.
Research has shown that most people are willing to rely on product reviews they find online just as much as if someone they know recommended the product.

While text reviews are useful in this regard, live streaming ones are even better.
This negates any chance that the review was written by one of your staff and if the customer is particularly excited, that can rub off on viewers and make them more likely to purchase.
4. Interactive Webinars and Question and Answer Sessions
You may want to host webinars to educate the public about the offerings of your business.
Consumers enjoy these interactive sessions, and it is a great way to begin building brand loyalty.
One way to keep everyone engaged and to provide particularly useful information is to host a Q and A session after you have presented an overview.
This will give current customers the chance to find out why something may not be working quite as expected.
Additionally, potential customers are more likely to be swayed if they can ask questions before they buy.
5. Provide a History of Your Company and Brand
Most consumers would like to know the background information of companies.
In fact, you may find that doing a live walk-through that highlights some of the events that led to the formation of the company or its products is a great way to entertain and engage consumers.
You should prepare properly for this so that they get the best look possible.
For instance, you may want to pull out prototypes that did not work or find ways to engage in humor as you are discussing attempts that did not go as well as planned in the beginning.
This will help consumers to see the team as real people and not just a corporate logo out to make a buck.
6. Find Out What Your Competition Is Up To As a Customer
Just as you can use Periscope to communicate with customers, so can your competitors.
Watch some of these presentations so you can see what they are doing.
Take the things that are working for your competition and improve upon them.
Keep in mind that you do not want to just blindly copy their style. Use their techniques and make them your own by adding flair from your brand.
Ideally, consumers will not even recognize the origin of your latest ideas.
Finding out how others are using Periscope and any tools your company uses is a huge part of keeping up in a competitive market.
7. Smooth Over Public Relations Issues Before They Turn Into Disasters
While nobody wants to think about running into public relations issues, it happens to all businesses at some point in time.
The longer it takes a company to respond, the larger the issue may grow.
You may be able to put out the fires early on and prevent a full-blown public relations disaster.
If you are planning to do this, make sure that you have all of your information in order and that you understand exactly what has happened. Otherwise, you may end up fueling the fires.
When it comes to business marketing, it is vital that you keep up with the tools and techniques being used by others successfully.
Smart business owners and marketing experts know that consumers have to be exposed to the brand and have positive experiences if they are going to convert into customers.
In Conclusion
Periscope is a fantastic new way that you can use in many ways and all you need is a valid Twitter account to begin.
Make sure that you take the time to learn how to use the app properly before you begin broadcasting to the public.
IMPORTANT: The usual promotional strategies apply.
While you’ll have folks show up from seemingly “nowhere” in a live stream session, you want to build out a proper marketing plan. Here’s what great entrepreneurs like Belinda Weaver does with attentive banners.

Making announcements regarding when you will be hosting live-feed and reminding people just before the event will encourage them to check it out.
If you keep these seven reasons in mind when you are deciding how to use this exciting new tool for promoting your company, you are certain to experience success.
Make sure to monitor how well each type is working for you and adjust your marketing efforts as needed so that you can continue to get the most out of this exciting app!