Content creation is one of those realities a blogger and marketer has to engage with and appreciate when hoping to gain natural, organic traffic – and for the long term.
It is not going to happen overnight and this is a given. However, with a little bit of care and patience, the results will start rolling in.
What are some of the most effective ways content creation can help drive in natural traffic?
Let’s take a glance at 15 specific ways experts state content creation will lead to increased traffic numbers. Why not make the most of these ways to get better results?
And, best of all – you can borrow these tips and use in your own campaigns.
(IMPORTANT: Before you begin, always research, develop your initial strategy and plan for the best quality content you can provide. Content and topics that create emotion, content that engages, entertains and informs are keys to “share-ability”. The love you’ll get back from your readers…and eventually search engines, creates new and ongoing organic traffic streams for your business).

1 – The Virality Of Memes
Memes are one of the most powerful options a person can have when it comes to driving natural traffic.
It is easy to read and fun for those who are just looking to relax and get a generalized view of what is being put in front of them. Memes have done the trick for the past few years because they have the ability to go ‘viral’.
There are entire blogs that have put up one meme and that was all they needed to get millions of new people on board.
Now, this is, of course, the dream.
That does not always happen. However, the goal should be to mix things up and that is what content creation is all about.
It does not just have to be a wall of text that is tossed at prospective traffic. Memes will do a lot, especially when combined with social media to create something truly powerful.
2- Videos & Streaming Data
Who doesn’t like the idea of being able to sit down and take a glance at some of the videos that are being put up in their niche?

There are times when you might even take a look at what a competitor has published and just love what they have done (ideas!). Videos are great because once again content creation does not, and should not have to be about text only.
Plus, you can use a transcription service and get further leverage of text for your use. ( is another great solution here)
It is all about moving forward and getting with the times, people!
This is where creating short videos will help a lot in conveying a message and getting people to come onto your site as desired. It is not as tough as one might assume and can go a long way.
Educational, informative and fun. Think about edutainment.
It is essential to understand with this way natural traffic is only going to come based on their first impression. If you optimize YouTube videos correctly, you’ll rank those also.
This means, the video better be spot on especially in the first few seconds. Don’t rush through this part of the process and make a good video first.
3 – Infographics Yield Quality
There are many prospective visitors who are going to want quality information being provided to them especially in niches where information is hard to locate.
When you are able to give this to them, they will race in and keep coming back repeatedly. Quality does matter and that is where infographics come into action.
They are able to list down a lot of information without going off on a tangent.
Content creation is all about taking information and presenting it in a unique and ‘cool’ manner.

Well, there is nothing more exciting and modern than a great infographic. Take your time with this as it is going to yield fascinating results as it has for numerous people online in the past.
Venngage is a great place to start.
4 – Maximization Of Scoop.It
There are specific blogger tools, which tend to get ignored when it comes to generating natural traffic and this is unfortunate.

Make the most of these tools in order to get going down the right path.
If you are looking to focus on content creation, you are going to adore the power being provided by ‘Scoop.It’.
This is one of the most powerful content curation tools in the world and is going to help you out immediately. What does it help you with?
It is going to pinpoint all of the best topics, articles, and general content in your niche. It does not get better than this when you want to get a gist of what is taking place in your world.
You should also research topics, and contribute via the “Suggest” button. Editor will review your content, and approve based on merit and quality. It’s an authority domain, which is exactly what we want. (Even though the platform uses “nofollow” links, you’ll get traffic).
5 – Reviews And Building Trust
Natural traffic tends to come in bursts, but there is one thing that is going to help provide you with sustained results.
This is going to come in the form of product reviews and/or reviews in general. If you are able to give people a real in-depth look into something in their niche, they are going to lap it up.

They will keep coming back especially if you have taken the time to give them meaningful information rather than just hoping to sell.
Don’t lie to them when it comes to this type of content. You want to make sure it is up to par and is going to provide them with real value.
When you do this, you will notice how natural traffic numbers go through the roof in a hurry.
6 – Opinion Posts
There are certain visitors who are going to want opinion posts in order to gauge what is happening in the niche.
Let’s suppose the niche is about skin care and makeup and they want to learn more about recent advances made with anti-aging products.
If you are able to give your opinion on the matter and what direction the industry is going in, you will start to see people respect you more and more.
This is when content creation starts to build expertise and power.
You want this sort of authority as natural traffic will race in on a regular basis. You will adore the numbers that you are doing with regards to the traffic when you put up opinion posts.
You want people to converse and debate.
This is when you gain even more.
7 – Using Storify To Gain Results
Another blogger tool that has been available on the market for a long time would have to come in the form of ‘Storify’.

This is a powerful tool on its own and is going to do a lot for those who want to get started down the right path with regards to content creation.
The purpose of this tool is to make sure everything that is being put on social media sites will be presented to you on a platter.
It does not get better than this for those who want to be ‘in the know’.
8 – Building Lists
Who doesn’t love the idea of being able to sift through lists and get a feel for what the market is telling them?

Why not just put together a couple of lists and present them to prospective visitors? They are going to love what is being written down and that is what you want the most.
Why “Top ___” lists?
They are easy to read and they are even easier to make as well. This is what you are going to enjoy about the process in the first place.
Content creation does not have to be impossible. It is easy and when you start to put in a few images/videos as well with these lists, you are going to get great results.
When you include authors and companies that helped build the list, make sure to use their “@” reference and share on Twitter. They tend to share it back out to their community if it’s good and helpful. More traffic for you.
9 – “How-To” Posts Attract Attention
Sticking along the lines of lists, you should also be taking a look at ‘how to’ posts because they are going to attract a lot of people as well in the niche.

If you are in a niche where you can explain things to people in steps, you are going to want to put a few of these together as soon as possible.
You will notice people are going to want to see what you have to say and how you are doing things.
This has done the trick in many niches especially building related ones.
10 – The Power Of Curata
Let’s move onto the next blogger tool that can be listed as a ‘way’ with regards to getting natural traffic.
How is this going to help you out?
Curata is one of the most advanced tools in the market and has done wonders for those who have taken the time to learn how to use it.

The purpose of this tool is to find content based on specific filters you are putting in. The content you are going to get will be absolutely precise to your expectations and that is hard to beat.
You are just not going to be able to find this type of content even if you spent years doing it on your own.
The formula is able to sift through all of these details for you.
11 – Using Case Studies To Woo Traffic
Have you gone through a specific process in the past?
How did it work for you?
Why not give people a little case study with regards to your own experiences?
This will help them get a feel for what worked and what didn’t. This could be related to anything even something as simple as skin care.
You want to give them a real look into what you have done. Don’t just rush this and make sure you are as detailed as you can be.
Content creation is all about being unique and this is what you do with case studies. No one will be able to copy you in this regard.
Create case studies using this toolkit from Hubspot.
Sometimes, if you are able to spread the case study out, you can get people involved in the process to help you out along the way.
This increases user integration and interaction.
12 – Using Interviews With Experts (and Podcasting)
If you know people in the industry who have a lot of knowledge on the topic, why not tap into it as soon as you can?

These are details that are going to matter a lot and you should not ignore. You want to get their advice on certain hot topics. This is where content curation and creation come together.
You want to be able to produce interviews people are going to want and keep them coming in.
When you do this, you will be able to see a real rise in natural traffic. Always make sure you are being intricate with the questions being asked as you don’t want to be generic.
13 – TrapIt And Its Value
The final tool in this list that is going to be highlighted out would be ‘TrapIt’. This is another fantastic tool that is a must for those who want to gain natural traffic.

The purpose of this tool is to help with trap specific content that is going to be related to your niche.
You are able to save the content and keep it for later in order to store ideas. It is powerful because of how simple it is to use.
14 – Offering Specific Ebooks Related To Niche
Ebook creation is one of those options that is going to work, but it will take time to put together. You want to build a short ebook that is going to help people get a real look into your niche.
It could be something as straightforward as acne treatments for the skin care niche, or a social media guide for beginners. (PDF)
You just want to give people a reason to come onto the site and see the rest of the content that you have on it.
15 – Maximization Of Guest Posts Work
The final way that has worked over the years and is going to continue to work would be to get others involved in the niche.

If you want people to come, why not get guest posts put on your site? This will ensure relevant topics are always being put up and visitors will want to hop on and read what is being posted as well. (NOTE: We are accepting authors in the B2B niche at this time. Contact us above).
Those who are in search of results in terms of their traffic numbers have to implement these methods as soon as possible.
It is never easy to gain natural traffic and paid options can take a toll on the budget. It is essential to find a balance and that begins by understanding these ways and making the most of them.
These 15 ways have been highlighted repeatedly over the years because they work and are going to generate traffic regardless of the niche being looked at.
It is this value that is hard to beat and those who are able to maximize it are going to have a massive smile on their faces as the higher traffic numbers roll in.
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