Hotel / Restaurants Business: Hotel Franchisor (Social CRM)

World renowned Hotel franchisor was looking to ‘step up’ it’s competitive advantage by promoting its brands, products and programs to their customers in an innovative way to increase brand awareness, brand recognition and increase customer engagement & loyalty.
Solution Approach:
We developed a mash-up page for the company’s rewards program which allowed the customers to view what postings were made on social networks about guest experience and client’s loyalty programs, and allow customers to view user generated content on both Twitter and Facebook platforms.

Through these initiatives, we were able to increase customer engagement and number of loyalty members by 200%, and identified valuable KPIs for properties based on feedback from the channels. This way it allows our client to better promote and market its brands and programs, gain increased loyalty from their customers, launch the right kind of products and services to cater to different segments of customers, and experience an overall enterprise cost savings as a result of these initiatives.