Chaosmap Digital Advertising & Marketing Agency | Los Angeles, CA

E-E-A-T Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

20 Tips For Reaching EEAT Favors In Google (Experience Expertise Authority Trust)

Crafting high-quality content that meets the E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) criteria is essential for building trust with readers and search engines alike.

NOTE: “Experience” is a newer factor, from late 2022, and has to do with the content creator’s first-hand experience on the topic. (See search quality raters PDF for detailed background and more info)

Here’s a best practice bullet list of 20 things to consider for
E-E-A-T quality content development.

And, remember – you may include many of these and always keep in mind that they are interconnected and matter as an aggregate.

  1. Deep Research: Always start with thorough research. Use reputable sources and cite them when necessary.
  2. Author Credentials: Highlight the credentials of the content creator, especially if you are an expert in the field.
  3. Clear Writing: Ensure the content is well-written, free of jargon (unless industry-specific), and easy to understand.
  4. Up-to-Date Information: Regularly update content to ensure it reflects the most recent and accurate information.
  5. Avoid Misinformation: Double-check facts and avoid sharing unverified information.
  6. User Testimonials: If applicable, include real testimonials or case studies to back up claims.
  7. Transparent Sources: Clearly cite and link to all sources of information.
  8. Engage with Audience: Respond to comments and feedback to show that you value your audience’s input.
  9. Consistent Publishing: Maintain a regular publishing schedule to establish authority in your niche.
  10. Avoid Clickbait: Write genuine, informative headlines. Avoid sensationalism.
  11. Detailed Content: Go in-depth on topics, providing comprehensive information rather than surface-level content.
  12. Visual Aids: Use charts, infographics, and images to support and enhance the content.
  13. External and Internal Links: Link to reputable external sources and interlink to other relevant content on your site.
  14. Feedback Loop: Encourage feedback and be open to making corrections if errors are pointed out.
  15. Collaborate with Experts: Occasionally invite industry experts to contribute or review your content. If you have a podcast for example, translate and improve the audio into text on your webpage(s).
  16. Avoid Conflicts of Interest: Clearly disclose any affiliations, sponsorships, or potential conflicts of interest.
  17. Mobile Optimization: Ensure your content is easily readable and accessible on mobile devices.
  18. User Experience: Prioritize the user experience, ensuring fast load times, easy navigation, and a clean layout.
  19. Social Proof: Showcase endorsements, certifications, or affiliations that can boost your content’s trustworthiness.
  20. Continuous Learning: Stay updated with industry trends, attend workshops, and continuously improve your content creation skills.

Remember, E-E-A-T is not just about ticking boxes; it’s about genuinely providing value to your readers and establishing yourself as a trusted source of information in your field.

So, where do you start the E-E-A-T optimization process? Click here to learn more.